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Monday, December 17, 2012

Stop Media From Profiting On Tragedy

Being outraged about the shootings and what happened I understand, wanting to help absolutely. Thinking of making MORE laws will help is stupid. Making preparations to prevent it, sure that's possible. Hire off duty cops, retired cops and arm certain teachers that are willing to take the training in the schools like Air Marshall's

I have an issue with media, all I hear is trying to figure out why this happened. Please stop this, you as media TV will not get the answers. All media news is getting from this is a topic to talk about, all the politicians will get from it is popular from feeding off sorrow. If the gunman would had taken his own life, it would have been much easier instead of all those kids and teachers. If the media wants to put up stories on remembering the kids, how to help I'm all for it. The more they highlight the tragedy as why it happened and what they are going to do to prevent it is a mistake. All the media does is give intelligence to the next idiot who decides to do this, or terrorist home grown or from another country.

You want to prevent it? Start getting our countries morals back, get rid of these sick ideals we as a country have become. Media controls our lives. These freaks feed off Media, and think they are heroes and media helps them. I am feel so bad for all involved and would be crushed as a parent. I still would not want media or politicians to making an agenda off my tragedy though, I'd want to be left alone to grieve.

If you think for one minute that Terrorists are not watching the way we handle this and the attention it gets from media... Your sadly mistaken, I pray for media to handle it right and politicians.
Stop Media from profiting on tragedy....


  1. just this morning they were saying how this crime was committed with FULL AUTOMATIC WEAPONS

  2. Quite possibly the most ignorant post I have ever read. The media is not the problem, guns are the problem.

  3. 10:41 you are incorrect. People, not guns are the problem.

  4. Don't be so fast in claiming the ignorance of others. This kid's mother was a nutcase and it was she that taught him how to use guns to kill people before the earth ran out of food and water. You see, not everything teachers teach the children is good. Some is just better than others.

  5. The problem is neither guns or the media both of which have been around far longer than this new phenomenon of school shootings. It's not logical in any form to blame either and defies common sense.

  6. No, gun control is the problem. Clinton made the schools, "gun free zones" thus making them sitting ducks. How come no one goes to a police station to shoot it out? BECAUSE THEY ARE ARMED! The coward picked in innocent children because he KNEW that no one would be shooting back.

  7. Furthermore... how come nearly every school shooting or mass killing is done by a person on anti-depressants? How come we blame the guns but NOT the obviously powerful drugs? Oh, that right, the drug lobby fully owns the Dems, the Dems own the media, therefore...nothing. You'll NEVER hear a peep about how these drugs are bad news, but they'll go on endlessly about the "gun lobby".

  8. i don't always agree with post on this blog, but i do agree with some of this post, the media is part of the bigger problem. Sensationalizing tragedy. Listen to Don Heanly "Dirty Laundry"

  9. i said this friday, the media coverage of this is AWFUL. they are perpetuating the problems, they are giving attention to these PSYCHOS and fture ones

  10. Yeah good thing this news outlet respects family privacy and doesnt exploit a childs murder to get views.


  11. Since the media is so concerned about getting gun control laws passed how about this one? Pass a law that requires school officials and teachers to be trained in the safe use of firearms, and to be armed with concealed weapons. Oh, and to practice gun control(good aim).

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Furthermore... how come nearly every school shooting or mass killing is done by a person on anti-depressants? How come we blame the guns but NOT the obviously powerful drugs? Oh, that right, the drug lobby fully owns the Dems, the Dems own the media, therefore...nothing. You'll NEVER hear a peep about how these drugs are bad news, but they'll go on endlessly about the "gun lobby".

    December 17, 2012 11:29 AM"

    I agree 11:29. It is quite amusing how the prescription drug problem is convienently left out in all these shooting cases. This young shooter had "Aspergers Syndrone."
    All "Asperger Syndrome" is another reincarnation of the Child Psychiatric Labeling Trend. (Another incarnation is ADD/ADHD) Spread the word. Save future schoolchildren. Support the Anti Psychiatric Labeling Movement.

  13. So movies n games dont foster violence...bs why do they place/push ads on tv if it does not influence....

  14. 11:13 AM

    The mother was NOT a nut. Her son, the SHOOTER, was a nut.

    And I think you might be related to him.


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