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Monday, December 17, 2012

Shock: Onion Takes Aim At Official 9/11 Story

Ho, Ho, Ho! 9/11 Was An Inside Job! ... Seasons greeting from your old friend Santa! My, my, Christmas is just two short weeks away, and everyone here at the North Pole can't wait to deliver presents to all you nice boys and girls this year. Yes, Jolly ol' St. Nicholas hopes you're all being as good as can be! But today, Santa would like to tell you all about something very naughty, something very, very naughty indeed. Dear children, have you not heard? Why, 9/11 was an inside job! Oh, ho, ho, my, yes it was! – The Onion

Dominant Social Theme: Let's forget about 9/11. It's been resolved.

Free-Market Analysis: Holy Batman! The satirical Onion website has just posted an editorial entitled, "Ho, Ho, Ho! 9/11 Was An Inside Job!"

We are very surprised to see this sort of article at the Onion, as we long ago gave up on this website as a site that was as predictable as it was unfunny.

Maybe it was a mistake? But, no ... the editorial is featured on the top righthand side, the most important place.

Weird, eh? Is this the advent of a new Onion? Will this version actually aspire to be Lenny Bruce rather than Gomer Pyle?

Humor, especially in increasingly authoritarian times, often needs to be edgy to be truly good. Often we have found the Onion to be dull rather than innovative.



  1. I don't understand .Does this mean that the explosions originated from the inside out of the WTC,(as any one with explosive experience knows happened)or from the outside in as we have been led to believe?In that respect I guess the Onion is right.It was indeed an inside job.

  2. That made no sense. Great article though


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