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Monday, December 17, 2012

Boehner Offers To Take Debt Limit Off The Table

House Speaker John A. Boehner has offered to push any fight over the federal debt limit off for a year, a major concession that would deprive Republicans of leverage in the budget battle but is breathing new life into stalled talks over the year-end “fiscal cliff.”

The offer came Friday, according to people in both parties familiar with the talks, as part of the latest effort by Boehner (R-Ohio) to strike a deal with President Obama to replace more than $500 billion in painful deficit-reduction measures set to take effect in January.

With the national debt already bumping up against the $16.4 trillion cap set last year, Congress risks a government default unless it acts to raise the debt ceiling in the next few months. 



  1. It's only Monopoly money from this point forward-so who cares anyway? Let our grandchildren and great grandchildren learn Chinese!

  2. no, they will owe the US FEDERAL RESERVE. they hold 10 Trillion of our debt, wake up. FED got us under Woodrow Wilson and will take us to the cleaners until we get rid of them.

    and BANER - you are a RINO. get him out. seems like the balanced obama approach is NOT going to work IF the limit has to be increased huh. THIS TELLS you the problem, the problem is spending stupid.

  3. Boehner is a weakwristed Speaker. He'd get cold sweats from Newts' shadow.

  4. FIRE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Keep a close ear ands eyes out now pay attention to what they are trying to distract us from? Hearing rumors fathers of last two shooters are involved in global finance and testimony against the robbery occuring before our very eyes..google two shooters!!

  6. I told you and you wouldn't listen....this is all a game -- good cop, bad cop. They KNOW we are screwed and have NO WAY of getting out of 20 TRILLION dollars in debt --- that THEY CREATED!! THEY did this! Fire Boehner? That not my first suggestion, but its a start. They have not cut a DIME from their own lavish expenditures. Not a dime. GREAT leadership. Keep buying guns and ammo....

  7. If things get that bad I only need one gun and one bullet


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