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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Senate Bill Blocks Obama’s Plot to Transfer Gitmo Bay Terrorists to US

Obama did not set out to kill Osama bin Laden. He set out to capture him in order to give him a civilian trial and dismantle Bush’s War on Terror infrastructure. But like his plan to give Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a civilian trial, there was a hitch. Bin Laden was killed during the operation. The American people did not want Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to get a civilian trial. And New Yorkers did not want him here.

Now a Democrat controlled Senate has dealt another blow to Obama’s terrorist dreams by barring the transfer of Gitmo inmates, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to the United States, at a time when there has been a push underway to finally shut down Gitmo for Obama’s second term.



  1. I was up late last night worring if the Gitmo inmates will get home for the holidays.

  2. Paul Adams FDNY/Retired 9/11December 2, 2012 at 1:43 PM

    Please drop them OFF at my house in salisbury, i will take care of them for FREE ...


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