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Saturday, December 01, 2012

No Help After Superstorm Sandy? Angered Staten Island Resident Tells President Obama: “You Lied”

President Obama promised to help victims of Hurricane Sandy after the storm ravaged the East Coast. But after meeting with the president, one Staten Island family says he has broken that promise. Scott and Deidre McGrath joined Fox and Friends to tell their heartbreaking story.

Scott spoke to the president after the storm, in what he described as a “staged” meeting. He said, “They put us into this tent and they wanted to make believe we were shopping for our products. Most of the residents that live in that area were never up there.”



  1. DUH!!! I bet he voted for Obama as well.

  2. I guess they got what they voted for!! and his thank you was a tent!

  3. He's a white guy. Blacks and Hispanics get first dibs!

  4. Reminds me of bush and Katrina.


  5. Ok! Make believe shopping in a tent. A "staged" meeting and now you feel obama lied?

  6. Theatre. Not anything other than that. obama criticized Bush as a RACIST for failing to respond to the devastation of Katrina, but HE does this and has a good "explanantion"?


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