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Friday, December 14, 2012

Salisbury Cable Rates Likely Heading Up

Cable rates in Salisbury could be headed up in the near future.

The only other business on the City Council’s legislative agenda this week besides a consent agenda and the presentation of this past fiscal year’s audit was a resolution to approve the calculation of Maximum Permitted Rates for limited basic service and regulated equipment rates and installation charges as set forth in Comcast’s rate filing dated Oct. 1, 2012.

City Administrator John Pick explained that when Salisbury adopted its franchise agreement with Comcast the city reserved the right to review the rates for limited basic service and for equipment installation charges annually.


  1. We get ripped off with Comcast because there is no competition in our area. Across the bridge, my family pays ~30% less for the same service because they can switch.

  2. TWO WORDS.....DIRECT TV!!!!!

  3. But with Direct TV and Dish don't you have to sign a two year contract, like verizon wireless, then after that contract the rates go up??? Just asking.

  4. direct TV, SAVED so much money!!!!!!!! same exact programming!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that is the only way to beat them. best thing i ever did switching. the GENIE system is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. With Direct TV can you get Internet? map

  6. I switched ten plus years ago to Direct TV and have never looked back. Comcast can go fly a kite and thanks Wicomico County for giving them a monopoly its just as much their fault too.

  7. It's an unfair monopoly

  8. 2 words:



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