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Friday, December 14, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 12-14-12


I am the owner of How Sweet It Is and am writing in response to the comments about the beagle pup that was found in front of our store.

On Monday a good samaritan stopped traffic in front of our market and pulled a young maybe 12 week old beagle pup out from under a car as it was about to get hit. He was going to work and asked us to keep it from harm. We went to all houses on our street and no one knew of its origin. I went across the road to the convenience store to let them put the word out and they said they had seen 6 different dogs dropped here over last two weeks. We called the humane society which was closed on Monday. Most of our day was consumed trying to place this small hound that one would not think could travel much over a mile at most at such a very young age. This is a business and at the end of the day a very nice family was in and were obviously fellow pet lovers and took the neglected pup to give it a good home as we were about to close. The next evening a young girl came in at close and told the cashier that she lived in Fruitland and was missing her beagle pup. Fruitland is about three miles or so away and if in fact this was her pup I can't possibly think how it could have traveled that distance. We love pets and have buried two cats and a dog run over in front of the store this month and found homes for 8 cats in the last two months. We would like the young lady to know we went over and above trying to find the pets rightful home and if the dog had a name tag we could have located the owner.

Brent Malone


  1. The original owner obviously didnt take very good care of this little pup. I watch my dogs like a hawk and they are always on lease.

  2. The Malones are good people and should not be faulted here.

  3. Amen, Brent. You did all you could.

  4. Thanks for the update on the REAL story.

  5. mr. malone, i wrote two of the negative comments yesterday, clearly you guys put more effort into helping the puppy than it first appeared, and i apologize for ripping you the way i did before i knew all the facts.

  6. I feel for the family that lost their pup. But they haven't been very responsible owners. To leave a puppy unsupervised and without ID is sad.

    Kudos to Brent for getting the puppy into what will probably be a better home than it came from.

  7. Maybe that little girl was off her leash.

  8. Sounds to me like they went out of there way.

  9. I was critical with this business in the original article, but now see they did do what they thought was the right thing to do at the time. Thanks for the response Brent. I thought at the time that the dog should have atleast a rabies vac tag on also. In defense of the owner though I do know beagles and their tendancy to want to "hunt" will take them far away in no time-one of the reasons they are so prevalent in shelters-and they are hardheaded when on a mission. I'm wondering about the word "neglected" used. Did it appear as though the puppy was neglected, not including the lack of ID-which is plain stupid and yes very neglectful.

  10. I know Brent very well. I worked close with him over summer in the produce business, and all I can say is, what a great guy. He always treated me with respect and offered to give me a hand on those hot summer days even though he was the customer. Simply, what a great guy. Theo Malone's are great people and I highly respect them

  11. 11:58 & 12:16 It takes a big person to come back and say sorry. I know the Malones & they are good people.

  12. The problem is everyone jumps to conclusions before they know all the facts.

  13. When will the posters in your blog learn that there is always another side to the story before they start bashing someone?

  14. Everyone is so ready to jump on someones case. My mom works at how sweet it is and i commented yesterday trying to explain that they did what they could. these are really great people who just got caught up in a very difficult situation. everyone is so fast to judge these days. take a step back and realize that when you have your finger pointed at someone else, there are 3 of your own pointing right back at you.. for those of you that manned up and apologized for the harsh comments, that was very kind of you. if only everyone was like that these days.

  15. Glad folks here understand the importance of waiting before judging.

    When you bash a business for something like this, even if they hadn't gone to "great lengths," they had a business to run and still did what they could do, and if you bash them and swear you will never do business with them again, then guess what? You are encouraging them and every other business to do absolutely nothing next time so you'll never hear about it. Instead, you'll hear there was someone's pet found dead in the road.

    I tried to help a dog once. It growled and wouldn't let me near it. Finally, I had to abandon trying to help because I was going to be late to something that would have had bad consequences for someone else.

    Sometimes you have to make these choices. I have helped many a dog and cat in my day, so do I suddenly become a bum because I couldn't help that one dog?

    Think about it.

    No, I have no ties to anybody in this story. Just steams me up to see people jumping to conclusions and ready to kill off someone's business because some pet owner made a mistake or got unlucky.

  16. Two sides to every story. Sounds like someone is dumping dogs at the store area. Someone knew this and went to get the dog back because they know the dog was dumped. Maybe they want tne dog yet someone they know took the dog and dumped it.

  17. I missed yesterday's news but know the Malones and they're decent hard-working folks. I love How Sweet It Is. They have the best produce and healthiest plants around. And some neat gifts and old-fashioned candy as well. Lots more than you think if you haven't stopped in there.


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