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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

President To Bypass Congress On Semiautomatic Weapons Ban?


  1. Buy guns that are not registered and steal the ones that are.

    They can't take it if they don't know you got it.

    And after they round up all your neighbors weapons, shoot them in the head and take those.

    Pass them out to your like minded comrades.

  2. the u.n. ban is going to be the "big one". i hope everyone is prepared for this. it's not going to be pretty.

  3. I hope he takes every gun away from all our comrades in this nation. He is the salvation of this country , hail obama.
    My dictator at work , the police state is at work.

  4. Ask yourself, "How many times in your lifetime have I read about a domestic gun crime that involved a semi-automatic weapon that had been converted to fully automatic?"

    Answer, NONE!

    Reasoning behind this ban? NONE!

    If it happens, see 12:26's comment.

  5. All neighbors can just trade guns with each other. That way, your registered gun is not owned by you anymore, and you can't seem to recall the guy's name you "sold" it to.

  6. Buy up all ammo now!!!!

  7. Crazy talk. Get a grip.

  8. Crazy talk. Get a grip.

    December 5, 2012 8:22 AM

    We have a grip. And it's on our weapons

  9. Ha Ha Ha let them try to take my weapons HA H AHA HA HA HA AH A BAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...os so sorry


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