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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NRA Breaks Silence Over Shootings

The National Rifle Association is breaking its silence four days after a school shooting in Newtown, Conn., where 26 were killed, including 20 children.

The nation's largest gun rights organization made its first public statements Tuesday after a self-imposed media blackout that left many wondering how it would respond to the killings. In its statement, the group said its members were, quoting, "shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders."

The group also said it wanted to give families time to mourn before making its first public statements. The organization pledged "to help to make sure this never happens again" and has scheduled a news conference for Friday.



  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Teachers need to be trained to carry an defend the class at all times. Open or concealed, their choice. This needs to be made mandatory for all teachers and school staff. And for that matter, everyone should be able to exercise their inalienable second amendment right.

  2. ok and so a teacher carries a gun and s trained to use it...and that means???? The shooter in fridays terrible event carried a semi-automatic weapon that can out shoot any handgun. He had enough ammo to kill every person in the school. There is no reason for anyone to own the type of weapon used in the shooting. You dont hunt with it...The assualt weapon ban has to come back case closed.The rights of citizens are not being taken. These guns were designed for military use and never intended for regular citizens. Its time to once again ban them. It wont stop gun crimes but it may help. I suspect the NRA will probably support this as its the only logical choice.A police officer in a school is a lot smarter then arming a teacher.

  3. 8:57..you first fail to understand what constitutes and defines an "assault weapon"...The weapon used was "sporting rifle." That fact doesn't make the event any less irrelevant, nor does it make it any less tragic but please, educate yourself before you spout off from now on. A semi auto weapon cannot "out shoot" another semi auto weapon...

  4. Liberals invented the term 'Assault Weapon' which is any firearm, used to commit crime. Another Assault Weapon could be a Baseball Bat or Kitchen Knife, if used to commit crime, are both considered assault weapons. So let's get off this Political Bullcrap Spin and called these things names, like rifle, shotgun, handgun, pistol and etc. And let's just say, if there was someone at the school shooting back, that little punk boy wouldn't get past the office door.

  5. I'm for a police officer in schools more than armed teachers, but disagree with 8:57. You probably didn't know that when the police entered Sandy Hook and the shooter saw them, he immediately ran inside a classroom and killed himself. When opposing guns show up the attack stops in every one of the mass shootings.

  6. What's the difference between a 22 cal. pistol and a bushmaster assult rifle?
    They both will kill you , they both require a background check.

    Don't start that crap with banning of any guns , they all will kill if the insane person wants to.
    Looking for a solution of an age old problem that started with Cain and Able. David and Goliath also.

  7. If the staff is armed, the shooter would encounter crossfire immediately. If the school depends on a school police officer, the teacher and children would have to wait for the officer to come from wherever part of the school he was patrolling when the shooting started.

    Arm the staff.

  8. Geez seriously folks we can line rt 50 with troopers to chatch speeders but we can't put one in every shcool to protect our children?
    Oh that's right, who's gonna generate all that revenue for the state!

  9. 8:57 here yes i was aware the shooter took his life when law enforcement arrived. Having served in the military and now working in law enforcement i can tell you for a fact that was not a sporting gun as a previous person posted not unless your sport is killing. The weapon the shooter used is based on an mi6 rifle and the last time i checked the military used it to hunt people....sporting rifle really????? 9:44 are you really that dumb or wait maybe you just renewed your nra membership.... any gun that can carry 30+ rounds and can fire as quickly as you pull the trigger is an assualt rifle...

  10. I guess if i take my car and run over kids at a bus stop they going to ban cars its not the guns fault its the person behind it. Lets face it as long as there is nut people out there they will find any means to do something bad if they want

  11. 8:57-Then why is the Mini 14 and mini 30 still considered a sporting rifle..oh yeah, no pistol grip on the stock..it still has all the other characteristics of an AR 15 though..you sir are an idiot and would believe any and all government sponsored propaganda..

  12. reading some of these comments, some of you should not own guns based on your attitudes and dispositions. even that alleged 'cop' sounds like he has issues.

    20 kids got killed and you wanna argue about the definition of the weapon he used? really?

    it goes bang, it sends a hunk of lead (or steel for those of you that wanna nit pick) downrange at very fast speeds and damages whatever it hits that can't take the pressure.

    pls grow up just a little.

  13. What effect will arming teachers and make them "security" have on childrens education?

    How can a teacher, teach, looking kids in the eye and giving them the attention that they need, and be on guard all at the same time?

    That just won't work, and I don't like the idea of so many individuals in the school system being armed. Look at how many teachers, aides etc, caught in sexual exploits with kids. Now your knee jerk reaction to this shooting is arming all the teachers?

    Let teachers teach and the school systems should look into seperate ways to secure their schools. Someone hired to do just that, protect and keep the schools secure.

    If you need a military weapon to hunt a deer or any other animal, you have no business owning a gun to start with! One shot, one kill.

  14. 9:06 Hooray for you. 20 dead. Families ruined forever. These idiots arguing about whether or not it's an assault rifle. Most on here will say, It's NOT, it's semi-automatic. NO ONE has mentioned that it can be converted to fully automatic in a matter of minutes! These weapons were designed for the WAR theater not the neighborhood theater.

  15. These weapons were designed for the WAR theater not the neighborhood theater.

    December 20, 2012 9:55 AM

    Tell that to the police.

  16. I'm not sure how I feel about arming teachers. A cop in school seems to make more sense. I think people who talk about how ANYONE with a gun can "take down the shooter" have been watching too many movies. Kind of like the folks that believe the police can stop an armed assailant who won't drop his weapon by shooting him in the leg.

  17. These types of weapons CANNOT be converted to full auto. Agaiin, do some homework before you speak. And if you dont believe me just ask any honest cop.

  18. These so called assault rifles cannot be converted to full auto. Period

  19. Why dont we start by limiting freedom of the press and ban them from ever mentioning these mass killer's names instead of banning certain weapons? The right to free speech isnt that important. (Sarc)


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