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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Merry Christmas: This Tax Increase is for You, America

Let’s cut right to the end of the story: Ordinary people have already tumbled off the precipice.

There will be no dramatic rescue at the height of the tension, with crashing, ominous music turning to a sunshine ditty, a government handout straining to reach you, to save you from tumbling over the lip of the cliff.

Instead the government is going to intentionally bump into you, making it look like an accident, head turned away, mumbling an apology, much like a pick-pocket does in a crowd, with the object to lift your wallet. 



  1. I hope the tax is so high that people who voted for him starve.
    I'll laugh all the way to Giant.
    Eat those pig feet and chittlings.

  2. 6:07 Normally I don't like to say those things but honestly with all that this man represents it is what will have to happen for people to wake up.

    As for me I'm going to avoid my taxes this year by not filing. Also going to start a garden in the back and stock up on essentials. I'm also learning how to can food.

    It's coming. The Great Depression is staring us in the face and this administration is running as fast as it can to get us there.


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