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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lawyer: $100M School Shooting Claim About Security

A lawyer who's asking to sue Connecticut for $100 million on behalf of a 6-year-old Newtown school shooting survivor who heard violence over the school's intercom system says the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.

"It's about living in a world that's safe," New Haven attorney Irving Pinsky told The Associated Press on Saturday. "The answer is about protecting the kids."

Pinsky asked this week to sue the state, which has immunity against most lawsuits unless it gives a party permission to go forward with a claim. Connecticut's claims commissioner couldn't be reached for comment Saturday.



  1. The credibility of a lawyer is about the same as for a politician, the only security he is concerned with is his own financial security.

  2. to sue the state, which has immunity against most lawsuits unless it gives a party permission to go forward with a claim.

    They get to pick and choose who can sue them? That's nice. I can mess up all I like and I won't get punished unless I allow it.

    lol. How crazy is that?

  3. WHENEVER anyone says "its not about the money", bet your life it IS about the money....

  4. Sick. Just another example of the proud profession. It's a shame that this mone hungry ambulance chasing lying POS lawyer is allowed to practice. There is no one to blame for this trauma except for the shooter. Just another POS lying lawyer seeking a big payday because, although he may deny and lie about the true motive for this sick suit, it is really all about the money. He has no honor or respecxt concerning this tragedy.


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