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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been admitted to New York-Presbyterian Hospital with a blood clot stemming from a concussion she sustained several weeks ago, her spokesman reports.
From Fox News


  1. Testifying date must be getting near.

  2. She's worked hard and collapse at a lady her age was imminent.

    It's too bad that all her hard work only proved that liberal ideology does not work in the real world. There are simply those who hate us no matter what until they need us to bail them out.

    Our standing in the world has now really diminished. We can thank the liberals.

  3. If she dies, I will believe it. Seems ever time Benghazi is mentioned, she becomes ill. How did she get the concussion? From smacking her forehead when she realized she should have sent more security there?

  4. Did her doctor or hubby write her a note excusing her from testimony?

  5. If I may repeat my earlier prediction, my opinion is that she will not appear before the committee. If by some quirk of fate she is forced to appear, O'b will give her a free pass claiming executive privilege.

  6. I hope all your vitriol turns back on each of you. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You get what you give so all of you should still be complaining for the rest of your lives.

  7. Look at it this way.. at least she's not in the White House bungling things up.

  8. 9:56 Karma is a bitch for the Clintons they destroyed many lives its payback time .

  9. Wow.... And you all see yourself as religious.. I'm sure you won't poat this. But many on here need to read their post and just think for a minute about their comments. You should be ashamed of yourself... For commenting the way you do and for posting this'd comments.

  10. Recently I saw a prominent physician diagnose a 65 year old man with dementia so he would not have to testify in court.The case involved a missing person.Even though he was suspected to be the missing link in the case, the judge,after hearing the expert witness, who was on the stand and under oath testify to the mans mental condition,told the man in question he was free to go.

  11. I hope all your vitriol turns back on each of you. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You get what you give so all of you should still be complaining for the rest of your lives.

    December 31, 2012 9:56 AM

    Wow.... And you all see yourself as religious.. I'm sure you won't poat this. But many on here need to read their post and just think for a minute about their comments. You should be ashamed of yourself... For commenting the way you do and for posting this'd comments.

    December 31, 2012 12:42 PM

    Do everyone a favor, go sit on the couch and speak only when spoken to.


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