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Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun-control Advocates Press Obama For Help

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Sunday she will introduce a bill to reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons on the first day of the new Congress next year, as gun control advocates ramp up pressure on President Obama to tackle the issue in the wake of the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., on Friday.

The shooting deaths of 26 people, including 20 young children, at Sandy Hook Elementary school could now force the president to tackle an issue that was largely on the sidelines during his first term in office as he dealt with an anemic economy, perpetual overseas tumult and a bruising battle to push his health care overhaul through Congress.



  1. How about working on jobs. I better watch what I ask for, He might just put TSA in all our schools.

  2. Connecticut HAS a ban on assault weapons! It did nothing to stop the shooting.

  3. there looks like alot of muslims in the photo. they want less guns because when they jihad they don't want to defended against.

  4. i bet they all rode on short buses to get there, just like the folks who voted for obammy.

  5. Since the weapons used were ALL legal and registered, whats the argument, again? That a CRAZY person used a gun? We need to ban crazy people?

  6. Who stopped the killer from murdering others and turning the gun on himself? Someone WITH a gun is who. He didn't even have to fire a shot either.


  7. If by gun control you mean bills that require a certificate of completion that every person must take before purchasing their first gun.... a class that lasts 3 days and goes over everything from safety, local state and federal laws, as well as hands on training with a few guns from pistols, rifles and shotguns. The instructors are to have a federal and state certification, but the classes must be run independently to prevent government corruption (like the TSA). This way the instructors over the 3 days can also gauge the mental health of the person and deny them certification if needed. Education can go leagues towards preventing these tragedies in the future, not more control which only punishes the lawful gun owners.
    There should also be laws that require at least 15% of teachers in a given school, including the principal of every school, to carry a gun (concealed on their person), take twice a year classes on safety, training, proper maintenance and target practice.

    Lawful gun owners save over 2000 people daily by stopping criminals intent on harming people, but of course this never makes the news.

  8. Obama is a HYPOCRITE! Democrats are hypocrites.
    Can you say fast and furious????
    Obama should lead by example not shallow rhetoric with a tear.
    I'll give up my weapon when the Government can guarantee no criminal has a gun.

  9. Drunk drivers claim more lives every year than guns but we are in no rush to ban cars? fertilizer killed so many people in Oklahoma but nobody has attempted to ban it yet? How about we ban STUPID people first and see how far that goes?

  10. So you want to ban all assault weapons? All that will do is keep them out of the hands of lawful people that buy them legally. Last I checked it was illegal to kill someone innocent in the USA yet that does not stop a criminal. Putting a ban will only make it so the criminals have these guns

  11. Actually, all the guns used were illegal since they were stolen from the mother.


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