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Monday, December 17, 2012

A Letter To The Editor: Downtown Break Ins

Dear Joe,
My friend owns a business in downtown Salisbury. She has been in the same location for over 10 years. There has been a rash of car break-ins. When reported to the Salisbury police department their response was " yea, we have had a half dozen reports of break-ins." After 3 reports don't you think the least they could do is increase patrols in the area? She now has parents wondering if it is safe to bring their kids downtown. Downtown Salisbury will never be a "go to location" until the police make the necessary effort to make people feel safe all the time, not just "Third Friday". I hope after you are elected this will become a priority.


  1. Getting elected is priority #1.

    Once elected, I can assure you, the Salisbury Police Department and more importantly PUBLIC SAFETY will be my #1 priority. I'm sure after Jim Ireton reads this comment the SPD will now become his #1 priority as well, or at least 2nd to his cleaning the river so we can all swim in it after 10 years.

    There are many priorities though. Like proving to the public that a good Mayor CAN get the Council to get along and work together for the better good of the citizens.

    Put your seat belts on folks because I'm filing this week. You heard it here first.

  2. Do the people leave their car doors unlocked, if they do its their own fault that they leave valuables and money in open view for everyone to see. It's an invatation if they leave their doors unlocked. Shame on them. If they do this don't call the police.

  3. We just had this conversation a few weeks ago when there were car break ins in the Dykes Rd. area. People think they should be able to leave their cars unlocked. They are living in a dream world. It's not safe to do that anymore. You can't trust everyone. You have to take some responsibility for your safety and your possessions.

  4. Put your seat belts on folks because I'm filing this week. You heard it here first.

    AWESOME NEWS JOE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your #1 Fan!!!!!!!!

  5. 1:26 why are you blaming the victims?

  6. While it is never a good idea to leave a car unlocked you do not excuse the behaviour of someone who invades space not belonging to them and stealing from it. It's not suitable to ever be an apologist or to make an excuse for criminal behaviour. It sets a poor example for children and others. You don't steal-Period-there is no excuse for it-None.
    Wrong is wrong and there is no gray area.

  7. Joe - Can I ask what you will do with Fire Chief Appointment!

  8. The scoundrels have been breaking into cars in the newtown area also.

  9. To clarify I am am one of the victims. My opinion is that they are doing this as a crime of opportunity. My car was parked between Main St. and the road that the transit station is on. My purse was under the seat and no valuables were in plain sight. I drive an older vehicle with no security system. They broke out my passenger side window on Friday night while I took my daughter to dance class for 30 minutes. They stole my purse and then went to WAWA where they used my debit card as credit to fill up three vehicles with gas totaling over $300.00. While my case as not been solved as of yet...I commend the police department for the work they have done thus far. After my car was broken into a young lady who lives above one of the businesses told me that my car was the 6th this week. Where does it stop. I was not at fault for this.

  10. 4:40

    How coud they have fueled 3 vehciles at a cost of over $300.00 with your debt card? Wouldn't they have to of know your debt card's PIN number? Hummmmm

  11. anonymous 2:44, I will follow the Council's wishes and do another national search.

  12. 5:30
    When I use my check card from my back it gives me the option to use credit or debit. If you select credit it doesn't ask you for a pin number. Sometimes a zip code, but if they had the persons wallet Im sure they had a drivers license they could get the zip from. Many people call it a debit card but you can select credit or debit when you pay for something.

  13. There ain't NO MONEY in busting petty thieves. "Serving and Protecting"? As long as it involves taking MONEY from citizens, the police are ON IT. Seat Belt "campaigns" (as in WAR tactics and strategies), cell phone "campaigns", drunk driving "campaigns", distracted driving "campaigns". It has absolutely --- zero --- nothing at all to do with "serving and protecting", unless by THAT you mean "SELF-serving and protecting the REVENUE stream". I'm thinking of some new ones ---"The Police- GUNNING FOR YOUR MONEY". Or "Stop What You're Doing Before We Kill You". Or "Foot Patrols!?? HAHAHAHAmuHAHAHAAA".....maybe, "The Law is Made For YOU" and in fine print beneath it, "But NOT for US" muuuuhhahahahahahah. Might as well put THAT on there, too...

  14. Anon 4:40 they did use my debit as a credit to fuel three cars....Do I really need to defend myself to you? Would you perhaps like the case number of the police report? Or how about a copy of my transactions from my bank? Or even better yet the video and corresponding transactions from Wawa? I didn't get on here to lie. I was simply showing that I was victimized and now you throw it in my face. You are purely idiotic. Oh and it is spelled vehicles.

  15. Somebody watched you stash your purse under the seat. Leave it at home or stow it in the trunk before you arrive at the destination. I never have understood the need for a 20 lb purse anyway.

  16. My husbands debit card was used at the Foot Locker in the mall a few months ago on a Sunday. We were at the mall on Friday and I bought shoes at a different store which is even odd since I normally don't even go to the mall. My husband rarely uses his card at all. The only thing he uses it for is gas. That day he had forgotten his wallet in the truck. We still haven't figure out how it was used at the mall and they swear they had the card. With all the cameras in the mall nothing was ever done. Foot locker was absolutely no help at all.

  17. Easiest thing is to not leave anything of value in a car. Even if doors are locked the theif will break the window if he wants in. Thats why I dont lock my doors. They can root thru my car all they want, they wont find anything worth stealing.
    PS and good luck putting stuff in the trunk. How many cars have a trunk open button inside the car? many!!

  18. There have been a number of car break-ins on the riverside area also. While I totally agree that it is my fault that I have accidentally left my car unlocked, it is disturbing to think that there is something prowling almost every night. I think that it is safe to say that every one of us has accidentally forgotten to lock our cars after bringing in groceries etc. My car has been ransacked twice in a year on these rare occasions. The police are aware and my neighbor has watched this individual on several consecutive nights prowling the neighborhood with a flashlight looking for cars that are unlocked. If this is happening LITERALLY every night, so much so that a watchful neighbor can keep track I would think that the police could do so as well.

  19. It is not just downtown. I met a guy tonight while in Walgreens. Someone stole his locked up bike while he was shopping in the store. He said this is the third time someone had ripped off a bike of his. In this location.I was there as he waited for police to arrive. After 30 min no one had showed up.

  20. How can you people try to blame the victims? Is that the new school way of thinking or something? It's bs, that's what it is.

    You don't steal, period. I realize in some areas it wouldn't matter if it was nailed down, some types would steal it anyway.

    My father had a saying for that. Steal lightening and grab at thunder.

    If you can get away with it, shoot the sons of bitches and roll their bodies into the river.

    You would be doing the rest of us a favor. And I would try to get on the jury if you're caught and use jury nullification to set you free.

    That would send a more powerful message than any commandment lesson.


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