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Monday, December 17, 2012

Godless Society


  1. A-Men! For sure it's not the answer

  2. Gerald, retired Detroit copDecember 17, 2012 at 9:50 AM

    Very true, but Liberals don't want the truth. There are over 3000 gun laws on the books right now, and the guns used in the shooting were purchased legaly, AND registered.
    If this nut did'nt use a gun he could have used a car on the school playground, or he could have poured gas in a classroom and burned it and the kids. A nut hell bent on killing will do it, period.

  3. 9:50
    the guns used were not purchased legally by the shooter.

    now had the teachers been able to carry things mayhave been different................

  4. Aaaand in our 'for-what-it's-worth' department. The laws were already in place to prevent him from legally buying the weapons he used in the CT school. More laws mean that when it happens in the future, you can convict the criminal of more crimes...they'll still happen!

  5. They need to let ALL principles and vice principles carry.

  6. The cause of this problem needs to be admitted and addressed and not covered up time and time again. You cannot drug children into being robots and not expect dire consequences.
    When you sweep a brain of all emotion and feeling violence is the consequence.

  7. Guns ARE the problem. Only an idiot would argue otherwise. Ban ALL automatic and assault weapons NOW!

  8. 10:44 dimwits like you are the problem. Neither of the guns used loaded themselves, aimed themselves or pulled the trigger themselves.
    They were STOLEN.
    gun THEFT and mental illness are the problems.

  9. I can't believe that after deaths of 26 innocnent people, you have the audacity to somehow defend assault weapons. What is wrong with you people?

  10. Exactly. Agreed 100%

  11. There is nothing wrong with them Alex. They believe in a free society and you don't. It's just that simple.

  12. Start using your head 10:44. Guns are going to stop violence right 10:44? It's that's simple huh? Violence will all just disappear if guns were to disappear?
    You and others like you are the problem by refusing to admit it's other humans beings for whatever reason who have no regard for others that cause these types of carnage.
    YOU and others like you are killing people everyday by not admitting it's a cultural/societal problem. YOU and others like you contribute directly to each and ever single murder. Only an "idiot" would blame an object and refuse to address the cause.
    FYI-Just a few short years ago the headlines of the Balto Sun were "Deadiest Day in Baltimore."
    FYI-Not 1 (ONE) firearm was used that day in any of the murders.

  13. when i was a kid we prayed every morning in school, maybe just maybe we would have some morality back in schools.

  14. Alex, you are enabling violence to continue by blaming it all on an object. It's a mindset that causes this type of carnage. When you have a weed you attack it at the root. No difference here.

  15. amem anony 11:39 A.M.

    I have a friend (or at least i think is a friend) who blames the guns and want to abolish assult weapons, because no law abiding citizen needs one.

    When Cane Killed Able, someone has been killing every since.

  16. Ban these weapons of death. How many more of our children need to be slaughtered? HOW MANY????? WAKE UP!!

  17. BAN ALL CARS...too many accidents.

  18. Some people like Alex believe that banning all the guns would solve the problem. Let's just say the criminals would stop getting guns for themselves because guns were banned, right ?! Let's just say if the killer used knives instead of guns, would you recommend to ban all kitchen knives, Alex?! Probably so, because people like you live in fantasy land called Utopia. Yes, UTOPIA, look it up.

  19. 11:49 you are correct in your general statement. It is better to eliminate the rood of the problem.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to eliminated the root of this issue. There will always be crazy people like the gunman in CT or VA Tech or in Columbine or even in Norway. No matter how hard you pray or preach religion in schools, rogue individuals will always be here.

    I am not blaming it all on an object, I understand that weapons don't just fire themselves. It's a tough situation but the best way to mitigate is to try and control the object. Imagine if claymore mines or chemical weapons were available legally for purchase? What kind of damage could be in that school? Parallel needs to be drawn with assault weapons. There is absolutely no reason why a civilian would ever ever need an assault weapon.

  20. Nazis also used the AID VIRUS during WWII to kill enemies and it still working today. Opinion only.

  21. 12:22 I never said ban all guns. I have no problem with responsible gun ownership or open or conceal carry. I own a gun myself.

    I said ban assault weapons. Interestingly, how noone can come up with a good reason for owning one.

    1. Well, I may agree on tougher restriction on assault AUTOMATIC weapons. Some of those, like AK-47, have been banned long time ago. On the other hand, who would ever expect older lady retired kindergarten teacher buying and owning several powerfull special forces guns!?

  22. Alex, what you are doing is giving more importance to the lives of those lost in the CT school shooting. What about the inner city infant killed at the hands of Baby Momma's boyfriend? You know the infants who are found at autopsy to have multiple broken bones and a smashed skull? That child suffered greatly and that child's life should be just as important as the lastest little victims.
    The aggressors have a certain mindset and that is what needs to be admitted and addressed for any solution to be successful. A bandaid on the real problems won't help.
    These people are not "crazy" in the true sense of the word. They have been desensitized by certain factors and yes, by drugs such as Ritalin which is nothing more than a mind altering substance used to control a child and drug them into submission. Parents would have a heart attack if someone suggested letting a child smoke pot but have no problem doping them up with something similar and more dangerous.
    Banning any weapon isn't going to stop someone so desensitized and places so little value on life. One victim is one too many. Lanza's anger wasn't going to end if he couldn't get ahold of a gun. Of course there quite possibly could have been less victims without an automatic weapon but that shouldn't be an issue-again one life is one too many.

  23. Because Alex all that would be solved with banning assault weapons would be less victims. Again one victim is one too many.
    Some are placing too much importance on this one massacre because it's emotional. Don't let emotions overrule logic.
    Speaking of logic, Lanza was able to smash a window and reach in a buzz himself in. How logical was that system? A tragic example of how people don't think critically anymore. I would think a building full of educators or whomever designed this buzzing in system would have had the forethought to see how stupid (for lack of a better term) this false sense of security really was and how easily it could be breeched.

  24. Gerald, retired Detroit copDecember 17, 2012 at 1:19 PM

    The reason to own assault weapons is simple, the Founding Fathers foresaw a need, and put in the 2nd. Amendment, one in which the US Supreme court just stated is an Individual right to own guns.
    The 2nd. Amendment was put in the bill of right so that the individual citizens could overthrow a totalitarian government, or a dictator. And, yes, the assault weapon of that day was a single shot flintlock musket, but in court case after case, the 2nd. Amendment has stood the test of time as an individual’s right to own guns, any guns. And as Federal law trumps state law every time, federal law allows citizens to apply and get licensed to own Machine Guns! (in any state) You can also get licensed to own silencers! Also, contrary to popular belief and most cops, it is NOT illegal to carry a loaded gun out in the open on your person. however, you might get hassled and charged with disturbing the peace, but not a gun crime. “An armed society is a polite society.” Thomas Jefferson

  25. Never mind guns, Ban OBAMA - stop the destruction of our country!

  26. Connecticut HAS a ban on assault weapons!

  27. let's start by calling it what it really is, a "RIFLE" any thing that you could possibly use to assault someone with can be characterized as an "assault weapon". just because you can make it sound bad doesn't necessarily make it bad, so let's just drop the whole "assault weapon" BS!

  28. Found on Yahoo Answers site from 4 yrs ago-Parents need to see what they are doing to their children by labeling and allowing their different perceived unacceptable personalities and behaviours to be labeled as Aspergers and Autisim/ADD, ADHD.
    Parents need to take back their children and not allow the schools to attempt to mold them. If your little boy is quiet and calm or loud and boisterous don't ever feel you have to make an excuse for a child being a child.

    "Aspergers is such a fraud?

    I don't know what to do. My mom keeps saying I have aspergers and I am going crazy. I live in America and I don't have many friends but I am better off as most are really trashy and stupid anyway. I don't enjoy being with them and I much prefer to do my own thing as I have many interests and think a lot. But my mom won't stop with the aspergers. I know I don't have it and I hate being labeled. If anything, I am the most cosmopolitan, social guy you can meet but I just really hate my surroundings. It just retards me back into this depressed state as it makes me feel like I am some type of weirdo and I am 100% positive I don't have it because I know people who have it and they can't even hold a conversation. I can keep quiet for five hour car rides and fourteen hour plane flights. I just love life so much, it makes me really hate it when she says that. And, we get into these huge fights and then she labels me with anger issues but I know she is really screwed up in her thinking about this as she has no reason to say I do. what should I do because it just makes me depressed and it ruins our relationship. I try to tell her this but she never listens. I have enough to think about with my life, she doesn't have to complicate it so much. Why do I have to live in America? Everybody loves to label people. Maybe if everybody weren't so bored with their own lives and there was some poverty, we would realize what really matters rather than labeling somebody with some fictional, non-proven and non-curable disorder when he only isn't social around his peers because they make fun of him because he wears nice clothes. pensamientos...?"

  29. religion had nothing to do with what happened on friday! Mental illness is what caused fridays horrible event. The guns used werent military issue. they can be bought in gun stores around the country. The person who commited this horrible crime didnt purchase the guns his mother did. He comitted this crime using gods free will like it or not. religion cannot solve a persons mental issues. guns dont kill people they cannot load,aim or fire on their own.....they need a person. people with guns and gods free will kill people,just like people with gods free will help one another and go to church and choose not to kill...

  30. More like warped thing not God


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