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Monday, December 17, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 12-17-12 Money Beggars

I am confused by the number and frequency of times I am confronted by the money beggars of Salisbury.

Today - Beggars on the corner of the walmart parking lot, another one by Chickfila, one at the entrance of the Target shopping center, one by the mall and another (as everyday) sitting on the guardrail at Priscilla and Rt 13, and this was only today.

What is with this town? Why does the PD allow this to continue and progress? Is this legal? 

You are a fool to give ANY of them money. I see one guy in several spots every week (he moves from location to location) and the homeless that sit @ Priscilla street are a DAILY occurance and the PD does nothing to stop this.

What an awful awful impression this town makes to everyone who enters by continuing to allow this to go on.

I find this appalling, especially since the lack of action on the PD's part has allowed this practice to continue and escalate.

STOP giving them money and they will stop begging.


  1. one suckered my wife at the DQ drive thru, looking at menu, said he needed 3 bucks to get a sandwhich, instead of buying him the sandwich, she just gave him 3 bucks, as they pulled out of the Drive Thru, she saw him walking to the beer store in Pecan Square (next to DQ).


  2. I have mixed emotions about this. I myself could become homeless. The last thing I would want to do is beg out in the streets however, myself or others just might have to some day.
    I feel the best thing I can do for a homeless person is buy them something to eat----that way---I Know my moneys gone for food not other things that would harm the body.
    Not everyone is on drugs, or alcohol you know---some are just hungry!!

  3. I think this group does this for their living it is an everyday occurrance almost border line harrassment!!!!

  4. I too have mixed emotions about giving in this sort of instance. i have too many times seen the recipient walk into a liquor store with the money. i also, just friday, saw someone panhandling between wendy's and verizon texting on a nicer phone than i have. kinda makes you want to put your wallet back in your pocket.

  5. there are food kitchens provided not by the government but by the local churches. these guys know it and the use them. they beg for money for the booze. don't give them the money

  6. Entitlement trickle down,plain and simple is the root cause of this.I'm still pissed off at comment #1,where the lady was in the drive thru at Dairy Queen,trapped in I suppose,and the guy approached her.He could have just as easily robbed her.They gravitate toward these situations where people can't just hit the gas and take off.

  7. Stop enabling these people and get the idea out of your heads that homelessness could happen to anyone. I won't happen to me. Put aside that my house is paid for I would always have relatives I could live with because I haven't burnt any bridges. For the most part these homeless have alienated all relatives and friends by their behaviour manifested by substance abuse and the problems associated such as theft. Treatment-free even, is out there but until someone really and truly wants the help and is willing to change-most important factor and not easy and takes extreme amounts of will power and a total lifestyle change including "friendships".

  8. One of the new ones last summer blew his image for several weeks before he figured out why nobody would "DONATE" to him. He had on a brand new shiny pair of the latest reboks on.

  9. Just before the elections, I saw a guy with a sign that said "If you don't give me a dollar, I'll vote for Obama". He had a whole bucket full of money!

  10. My sister worked in a bank. Se informed us that homeless person had more money in the bank than most.
    Stop giving them money and they will go away.

  11. The couple that work, the center entrance, have a Red Pontiac Grand-Prix with Delaware registration plates that they park in the mall lot and walk over to beg. They make enough to survive and drive back and forth from Laurel everyday. If they are so desperate, then why are they not standing out there in the rain or extreme cold. This is a business for these people, that they are getting cash tax free. Ten years ago you did not see this in Salisbury, because no one enabled these beggers. Stop giving them money and they will move onto another market,

  12. Exactly stop enabling these people. Not one even remotely looks like they are starving to death.

  13. Sounds like we have a bunch of believers in Republican Jesus here.

  14. I too have mixed emotions about this! I will still buy them food, but not give the money.

    Does anyone know what happened to the homeless man with the dog here in Salisbury & Quanico Rd????? I do know he refused help from someone for himself but did take food for his dog. I also remember , there was a groomer who would groom the dog occassionally for him too.

  15. YOU WILL GET ROBBED AT KKNIFE POINT OR WORSEDecember 17, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    I see them all the time and some are ex-inmates from the prison. You are taking chances giving them money.

  16. A believer in Jesus feeds the hungry and doesn't enable every Tom Dick or Harry to continue in their immoral ways 11:58. It's a sin to contribute to sin. A real Christian does their due diligence and makes sure they are giving to the truly needy. It's the liberal mind that hands over a buck to a bum because they have a compelling need to make themselves feel good but with their usual attitude of laziness and the least effort involved.

  17. Be kind to strangers, you never know when you'll host an Angel.

  18. Look, it's really simple give if you want to give, don't give if you don't want to. No one is twisting your arm.

  19. One of them banks at my bank! I see him making deposits there on a regular basis. I just wonder if he makes more than I do!

  20. The fellow with the dog mentioned above, is being treated for a severe medical problem, which after treatment hopefully he will be fine. Gladys, his dog is fine and staying with me until he gets out of the nursing home. He does not drink or do drugs. Thank you for asking.

  21. 3:19 it is amazing how you missed the whole point. They are frauds, it is illegal, it makes this town look like some redneck slum and the PD is not doing its job by stopping it.

  22. Wow,I am shocked about the lady confronted while in a Drive thru!
    I no longer go to the library downtown because of being approached by people asking for money in the parking lot. It is an invasion of my privacy and my personal space and it's unsafe! There should be some sort of regulation. It's one thing to sit and hold a sign asking for money, but totally another to approach someone! In the meantime, to borrow an old phrase 'Just say No." Instead, choose to donate your time, and your resources to local food banks and shelters to make a difference.

  23. Iam a victim of giving..I gave one at N.Walmart a gift card last Friday..In sure hope he did as I asked and went to Walmart and bought himself some food..You just cant help it sometimes....If they got balls enough to beg on a street corner then I see it as hardship....


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