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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Woman Remains Mum While Wearing 'Idiot' Sign As Punishment For Passing Bus On Sidewalk

A 32-year-old woman who drove on the sidewalk to pass a Cleveland school bus is staying mum as she stands on the sidewalk holding an "idiot" sign as punishment.
Shena Hardin got out of a car and nonchalantly lit up a cigarette as a horde of cameras and reporters circled her. However, she did not say sorry. In fact, she didn't say anything.
Barraged by questions from the media, Hardin was silent, head tilted down with the brim of her black hat covering her face. As reporters walked away, she lifted a tissue to her face and sniffled, large sunglasses hiding her eyes.


  1. Joe,

    This dumb ass was told she had to go back on the street again, due to she was on her Obama cell and smoking....good work judge.

  2. She does not seem to be the least bit sorry.She should have to be out there every morning and afternoon for the rest of the school year. No cigarette, no cell phone.

  3. You people need help. It is really disgusting to see how easy it is for you people to judge someone.

  4. 10:48
    Seems this lady is the one that needs help. She left the roadway and drove on a sidewalk to avoid stopping for a bus. She did this SEVERAL times before they finally caught her. How in the world could you even take up for someone like this. I think you are the one that needs help.

  5. 1048...Must be a relative or a obama cellphone subscriber ..

  6. This woman should also get jail time. another nobamami ignorant fool.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    You people need help. It is really disgusting to see how easy it is for you people to judge someone.

    November 14, 2012 10:48 PM"

    This is what you all need-some good old fashioned judging! You people need help and judging and ostracism is the way to do it since nothing else has worked. It is really disgusting to see how easy you all disregard and break laws like they apply to everyone else- except yourself and not show one ounce of remorse.
    The only way to take back this country is to let lose with the judging and if labeled a hater then wear it proudly.

  8. "If you don't like the way I drive get off the damn sidewalk"!


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