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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Egyptian Jihadist Calls for Pyramids and Sphinx to be Destroyed

An Egyptian jihadist leader, with purported links to the Taliban, is calling for the destruction of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, according to Al-Arabiya TV.
Murgan Salem al-Gohary, comparing the famous Egyptian monuments to statues of the Buddha that the Taliban destroyed in Afghanistan, said that Islam forbids idols, in a Saturday interview in Arabic with the Middle Eastern TV network.
“All Muslims are charged with applying the teachings of Islam to remove such idols, as we did in Afghanistan when we destroyed the Buddha statues,” Gohary said.


  1. why don't they stay in their country and destroy it? All the islams should be in one area, sort of like lepers, then they will love each other and leave the rest of the world alone. God does not like ugly, and they are pushing some very strong and serious buttons!

  2. Time for Israel to push some MAJOR buttons...tick tock.

  3. In islam perhaps word idols should be replaced with word idiots.

  4. who cares, it isnt americas property. we have plenty of pictures. they want to continue to live like animals, let them

  5. Can you imagine the tourist money they will lose if they destroy these? Im sure they will have their hand outs to our muslim in chief for more money after they destroy them.

  6. Except for size and scope, how is this any different than some of our fellow Americans calling for the removal of crosses, nativity scenes, commandments, and the words "in God we trust", from public venues? No difference. We look at them (Muslims) as lunatics...Maybe we should look inward, too.

  7. Thousands of years of history about to be obliviated. Obama can be thanked for this also. Ruining history for millions of people in Egypt and other countries thanks to his idiocrasy. He wasn't happy enough turning America into a cesspool so he turned to other nations.

  8. Good point 8:48

    Make sure our own house is clean before we tell others how to clean theirs.


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