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Sunday, November 04, 2012

Volunteers In Crisfield Deserve To Be Recognized

Let me start by giving credit where credit is deserved. While there were many Volunteers in Crisfield yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to see Julie & Mike Brewington as well as Matt Maciarello and his Son. I worked side by side with Matt and let me assure you, the man worked his tail off, as well as his Son. I'll add, when we gathered at lunch time at City Hall I was sitting in the front row eating. Julie and Mike had plenty of other places they could sit and eat but instead they chose to sit down next to me. I thanked them for Volunteering and that stuck up a very cordial conversation. 

I have to admit, I'm feeling a little sore this morning from all the heavy lifting but it's a good sore, if you know what I mean. When I hit the sack last night I was dead to the world. 

I will provide some great shots tomorrow of our efforts yesterday as well as more details of what was accomplished. I'll also include an update from last nights meeting after we wrapped up for the day.

That being said, I want to personally thank Mr. John Phoebus. Ladies & Gentlemen, John has spearheaded a relief effort that is second to none. John has no experience whatsoever in this kind of situation but let me assure you, he has worked tirelessly for the good of the people. The Mayor was nowhere to be seen yesterday, yet John has been the leader of pretty much everything going on in Crisfield since day one. 

Another person who really needs to be recognized is local business owner Billie Chandler, who owns The Pizza Shoppe. Billie was one of the first people I saw as a Volunteer. However, Billie has been to every meeting and at the same time she has opened her services for ALL of the Volunteers, providing meals for every one. Mind you, much of the food was donated but Billie has been cooking everything and portioning these meals, (as shown in the image above). After working as hard as every one is, having a really great meal at lunch time is truly refreshing. 

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to come out and Volunteer. Thank You for ALL of the donations you have all provided. A representative from Pohanka told me last night they are receiving donations like crazy and remember Folks, they are matching everything you donate. 

IF ANYONE IS LOOKING FOR WORK, Call 410-603-6732. This Contractor in Crisfield is looking for laborers and tells me he is willing to pay $100.00 a day. 

From Evolution Brewery:

Join us, Sunday, November 4th at 2pm! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT & HELP US RAISE MONEY! Supporting Crisfield Relief Fund & Crisfield VFD! Cornhole Tournament Starts @ 3pm! $20 for team registration. DJ FLEA provides the tunes! Silent Auction! Special Drinks & Featured Menu Items! Crisfield Crush & Hurricanes - $6 ($1 going to fund)

ACCEPTING DONATIONS for silent/live AUCTION... Drop off at PUBLIC HOUSE by Saturday or call for pickup. Call 443-235-8972 for more information. 


  1. I understand that you are helping and doing a lot down there but I what I don't understand is why you thank people for helping out. They aren't doing it for you or for me. They are doing it for the people of Crisfield and the people who were hurt by this storm. Just always been a pet peeve of mine when someone says thank you to people who are clearly doing good for others but make it seem like they are doing it for you

  2. anonymous 10:45, I am thanking people for dropping everything they are doing, even parting from their Families during quality time and volunteering their time and efforts.

    Like you, a person who more than likely sits back and watches people like us get out there and do the grunt work, it may bother you that I thank those people but perhaps you didn't get the jest of my message.

    There's been a long standing difference between myself and the Brewington's and Maciarello. The fact that they chose to sit next to me and eat lunch means a lot.

    There are some, (bigger than you, obviously) who are willing to put everything aside for the good of those in need. To me, I'm thankful for that.

    Salisbury News reached out to a very large audience and asked for help, some obliged. I thank ALL of those people/volunteers who drove all the way to Crisfield to help their neighbors.

    If you see something wrong with that, I'm sorry, I don't. I wish I had the names of ALL of the volunteers as I would thank them personally as well, not just the ones I know by name or the ones who came there because they saw it on Salisbury News.

    Maybe I'm missing something here but I'm sure a lot of thanks went out on Facebook and other resources elsewhere. If you don't like what I say or provide, don't return. It really is that simple. Then your pet peeve will instantly disappear because I'm never going to change, especially for someone who remains anonymous.

  3. I don't care where the thanks is coming from, I think it is wonderful when people are thanked for their hard work and volunteering.

    I will add my thanks because these people have done what I am unable to do and they make me thank God that people like them exist.

    Joe thanks people because he was raised right. When people help others, it helps all of us, it lifts our spirits to know such good people exist.

  4. You got somewhat of the point. But you don't get it. I understand what you were saying and wasn't at all going against you helping out down there etc. You can say that you are happy to see so many people drop what they had going on to help but to thank them personally makes it seem like they were doing it for you because you asked. That's all I am saying

  5. It's just nice to know that those who may have differences with others, can put those differences aside in times like this and work together for a common cause, for the community and help people in need.

    Our community extends further than the boundries of our city, county and state.

    We are one race, the human race, this week showed me that there is hope for us yet.

  6. I am a Crisfielder, and I want to thank you, Joe, for helping us yesterday and to all of the good people who decended on our town. I have not sought help because there are people who suffered more damage then I did. However, two times this week people stopped and insisted they help. I cannot tell you how much this meant to me. We always have those who do nothing in disasters and are quick to criticize. Perhaps if they volunteered as you and others did, they would not have time for being small minded. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate the help others are giving us.

  7. Steve Ewing, UMES PD.November 4, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    I don't know if its ever been said and God knows the local media never touched it but other groups also deserve recognition for their efforts DURING the storm. As I listened to my police radio from Princess Anne I heard first hand the HEROIC efforts of the Crisfield Police Dept, Somerset County Sheriff's, the National Guard, all local Fire Depts, and the dispatchers of Somerset Central. As the storm began to intensify and Crisfield became quickly submerged, by 4 to 5 feet as early as 2 pm that afternoon, a rescue operation was in full force. At some point even the huge NG trucks became immobile yet the rescues continued. As far as I can tell, the operation wsa NON-STOP for approximately 30+ hours. Yet all that could be read or heard from the media was Ocean City or Salisbury's damage. FINALLY pictures out of Crisfield emerged, on this site and social media, to show the devastation that was described by some as a "war zone." So to all those in Somerset County that saved the lives of many...YOU GUYS ROCK!!

  8. 1:41, that is really nice. People should not be ashamed to take help at a time like this. It helps to remember that if you receive help, even if you feel like you aren't so bad off, it may make it possible for you to help others in ways you couldn't before.

    Thank you, Joe, and all the other great folks who are pitching in for Crisfield and Marion.

  9. Where was the mayor? Shoudn't he be out there helping too?

  10. Joe, I'm hearing there are people who don't qualify for vouchers for housing yet don't have a place to stay. Have you heard anything about how funds are being disbursed? Thank you for your efforts in keeping us informed.

  11. make sure someone contact safelink, so all those folks down there will have free phone service. in pretty Sure many of them already do!

  12. 10:45 I know if Joe had everyones names that helped there would be listed, but some people do this type of thing only to help. To hear a thank you is more then enough no matter who says it. To see a smile on someones face is all the thanks they need. Joe knows he did not do this by himself, but he did help get the word out. If you don't know someone that lives in Crisfield then you really don't know or would know what the people had to and will still have to deal with. After all Joe has done for all of us, for you to say what you did show what you are. SHAME ON YOU!!!Just be glad his readers don't know your name.map

  13. 12:29, think what you want, it is never a bad thing to thank people, period.

    3:31, amen. A lot of people in Crisfield, including the National Guard, did wonderful things throughout the storm and immediately after.

    To everyone, we should be focused on thank you's and continued help. Pettiness of any kind has no place in dealing with an awful situation for so many. If Joe is grateful for what others did, then I say amen. I have thanked a number of strangers for helping other strangers, not because they did it for me, but because I am grateful that good human beings like them exist.

  14. anonymous 5:47, you are absolutely correct. There are many issues people really aren't seeing. There are MANY homeowners who didn't have flood insurance and can't afford to rebuild. That's where we can and must step in and help.

    I think in some people's minds they relate unfortunate disasters to thinks like fires and so forth. It's one thing to not have homeowners insurance for a fire but it's another in this economy where many have to make the choice to not have insurance simply to keep food on the table.

    For far too long Americans have been spoiled. Over the years, (and you have to admit this) far too many people have been complaining about all the section 8 and subsidized housing in Crisfield. Well, these are our brothers and sisters, our friends, our relatives, our parents, our grandparents, they are human beings in masses at the very lowest points of their lives and they need HELP. They have lost everything.

    Now, we can either sit back and watch this all unfold into one of the biggest disasters we've ever seen on the Eastern Shore OR we can come together, (and it will take a lot of us) and help rebuild their lives.

    Maybe we can get groups of 50 of us can adopt a Family and all pitch in and help rebuild their homes, I don't know?

    You see, you have to actually be there to understand what I'm talking about. These are much older homes. They are small in size. The first floor is what got damaged, so it's not a fortune to fix things.

    We also need to understand that unless we all step in and help these people, their lives are over with, housing wise. Our biggest investment is our homes. I'm talking about a project that will probably take more than a year and the sooner we start the sooner we can pull Crisfield back together again.

    The mold at this point is clearly unhealthy. But remember, these people don't want to throw out their couches because they have NOTHING to sit on. NOTHING for their children to sit on. If you've got a used couch, DONATE IT. If you've been thinking about replacing your living room set, DONATE IT!

    I just spoke to John Phoebus and they are working diligently on warehouse space down there to house these things. They are also trying to get someone who can qualify who gets what because people are trying to take advantage of the good will of others.

    This person will take down the persons request and actually go to their home to confirm they live there and that they actually need these items they are requesting.

    This project is not as easy as most would think and it takes proper management to make it work.

    Stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, mattresses, linens, pillows, water, NO CLOTHES, money, building supplies like drywall, insulation, plywood, drywall screws, things of that nature are what's needed most.

    I think the other thing most people don't realize is how overwhelming of a disaster Crisfield is. I've been there and if you'll trust in what I say, it's that bad. We must get these people either out of their homes very soon or they will become very sick. That means we must start rebuilding as in yesterday and we need to help them find a way to do so. The Federal Government is NOT going to help people who own their homes and don't have insurance, as far as I know.

    Let's do what we can, immediately.

  15. I saw some guys there from Salisbury and Delmar public works. I thought it was cool that they took their weekend off to help out.

  16. how many from housing authority are volunteering?

  17. I personally know many good men from the housing authority that were helping their neighbors during the storm and have been helping out around the clock since walking neighborhoods checking on people, etc. in fact, they were among the first to volunteer. And that's volunteer work at the housing authority and other neighborhoods.


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