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Sunday, November 04, 2012


This is exactly why Mitt Romney said that 47% of the people are too dependent on the government.  They have learned to work the system.
A Ford Dealer's Report - From Tom Selkis' (Latham Ford) Facebook

True story yesterday at the dealership.

"I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.

One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus.

As he was reviewing her credit app with her he noticed she was on social security disability.

He said to her you don't look like your disabled and unable to work.

She said well I'm really not, I could work if I wanted to but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).

She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent.

Oh yeah and 250 minutes free on her phone.

That is just south of $3500.00 a month.

When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week.

Do the math and then ask yourself why should she go back to work.

If you multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country.

Once the socialist have 51% of the population in that same scenario we are finished.
The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes.

She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal by $10.00/month.

Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard earned money."


  1. Ice cream headache..... and it won't go away...

  2. bite the tip of your tongue

  3. yup one of obummers voters!

  4. 6:42, one of the 47%

  5. The general population (the ones who WORK for what they have) would be absolutley SHOCKED if they knew how many people are on "disability". Its the reason SSI won't be around for the youth of today. The SSI fund is a FOUNTAIN of cash and would be solvent for hundreds of years if it wasn't for the diversion of all that money. Walk down Church St, Isabella St, West Rd, Delaware Ave, etc. (with your .357 kinda handy) and throw a rock. Guarantee you'll hit someone on "disablity".

  6. What the Government dependent don't unserstand is that this period of being flush with free benefits is very brief--when the Government is firmly in control, like Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea --THEN they will begin to understand that there is no such thing as "FREE" money, and the cold hard stark reality of life under Communism is dark, cold and miserable unless you are part of the ruling class.

  7. To “A Ford Dealer's Report”

    For starters, SNAP benefits for a single person has a maximum of 200 dollars. To get seven hundred dollars in food stamps, you need to be a family of five. Mind you, this is the maximum amount - any income whatsoever would reduce that.

    Second, Section 8 housing vouchers (I'm assuming that's what the person was talking about) are not given as money. The person who gets the voucher pays thirty percent of their income as rent and the remainder is paid to the landlord or company by the government. You don't get to handle any of that money.

    Third, there are two different Social Security disability programs. SSI is for those unable to work and have not "earned" the requisite amount of time working to get the other program, SSDI. SSI currently is 698 dollars for a single person over eighteen and 1,048 dollars for a couple. It can go up for cost of living increases at the beginning of the year, but I don't know if that's done every year. SSDI is given by how much you have paid into the system, for a maximum of 150% of that amount. So it's possible she could get that much per month, but only for so long as her work history would allow. But after poking so many other holes in this story, one could safely assume that part is pure BS as well

    …come on people, why so damn gullible? It seems you’ll believe anything you’re told as long as it’s negative.


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