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Friday, November 09, 2012



  1. Inappropriate.... Just goes to show Romney was right. Still feeding from the public dole..

  2. I thought this meme was pretty funny.

    But Romney was right. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (at least the group that makes Sesame Street) doesn't need public money anymore. I felt he could have delivered the message better.

  3. 918, buffoon. More like goes to show you clowns bend everything you see into your own warped political ideology. Some anonymous person co-opts the image of bird bird, adds a caption, and throws it onto the web, and you see this as evidence of something. LOL

  4. 20% of the population, that's who.

  5. 20% unemployed? More republican math.

  6. Why does an organazation the sesame street need public assistance??.. I had a grover stuffed animal when I was a kid..dont the muppets make millions???You libs are the ones with math issues 2 + 2= 10 to you libtards. This is why we have a finicial meltdown... 2+ 2 will never = 10, two men or women will never reproduce (themselves), illeagl imigrants will never be legal by cutting in line..(an insult to all honest applicants to this country)and the gambling money will not go to education..hell it will pay for the wackos from across the bay to cross the bridge on holidays like the lottery commision always has..fools every dam one of you.


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