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Friday, November 09, 2012

The Requirement to Buy Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act

Along with changes to the health insurance system that guarantee access to coverage to everyone regardless of pre-existing health conditions, the Affordable Care Act includes a requirement that many people be insured or pay a penalty. This simple flowchart illustrates how that requirement (sometimes known as an "individual mandate") works.



  1. And if you don't pay they tax if from your income tax refund. Doesn't bother me. I've been paying for my private insurance for 30 years nor do I get any kind of refund. I pay almost 6 figures in income taxes. This is going to hurt the economy more than anything. The Medicaid system was fine and worked quite well for lower income people. Now those who make the pittance of $10,000 a year will be required to either purchase insurance or be fined to the tune of around $700/yr. Not that these people in the lower income bracets had much disposable income to boost on the economy anyway but this is going to hurt them the most.
    It was all done because not only Obama but alot of democrats have their hands in the pockets of big business. This was not about health care but about lining the pockets of the insurance companies and the democrats in Congress.
    How they pulled the wool over the public that support this is unbelievable and how the fools fell for it.

  2. It was mentioned in the 60 Minutes report that they did on Congress benefitting from what amounts to insider trading that Pelosi was instumental in pushing not only credit card but also insurance and pharmacuetical benefitting legislation to the tune of making her millions.
    In the meantime she's laughing all the way to the bank at the peon koolaid drinkers. Serves them all right for being so stupid as to not see the forest through the trees with these sleazeballs. It won't bother me.

  3. The govenment takeover of healthcare is going to work as well as when they dictated to the lenders who to give loans to. It was the dems also who are responsible for the meltdown of the economy when they insisted everyone was entitled to own a home. If anyone can name one thing the democrats did right in the past atleast 6 years I would like to know it.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA this has got to be the greatest yet how are those without insurance going to be able to buy insurance if they dont have any to begin with THEY WONT BE ABLE TO but the government will get money from you anyway lol I love it you OBAMA loving ......

  5. Some on here for the past few days have been saying about the Canadian healthcare system. It's nothing like Obamacare. Canada's is more of an improved and more encompassing Medicaid type. I don't understand why that wasn't copied as opposed to Obamacare which is nothing more than an experiment. It is going to fall flat on it's face as did Obama's experiment in the green energy field. Why wouldn't the American people have enough sense to look at another country that's healthcare system seems to be a success though 75% of Canadians do either purchase private insurance or supplement what the govenment offers. That is what a prudent people of a country would want-proven instead of an experiment I would think.

  6. This is going to adversely affect the lowest income people the most.
    The republicans were saying this over and over because they are the most compassionate people and do think of people before their own pocketbooks and the democrats and Obama would not even listen to their ideas. It was their way and that's it. The democrats couldn't figure out a way to make themselves richer off of the wealthy because the wealthy tend ot have more education and are smarter so they targeted the less intelligent and the illeriate with the promise of "everyone will now be entitled to healthcare" when in fact it's healthcare coverage.
    It really is enlightening to see how gullible and naive these people who approve of this are.

  7. Exactly 5:38 so all those who were expecting to buy flat screen TV's and other stuff with their tax return money are in for a big surprise. That is why this is controlled by the IRS. And why they now have access to bank accounts so they can deduct and keep a track of your money in case you are working under the table or something.

  8. Oh God! They were threatening rioting and violence if Obama didn't get elected! Wait until their butts get a load of this! The thought of Obama not winning reelection will pale in comparison to the outrage when they actually have to pay for something!!!!

  9. A person making $9500/yr or a family of up to 3 making over $19,000 will have to pay for health coverage. These are the income levels where this starts.

  10. The whole thing is assinine. What idiot is going to pay a couple of thousand dollars a year in health insurance when they can get away with less paying the fine? Of course Obama and the other braintrusts who dreamed this up never thought of that. So then what happens when these people get injured and still have no insurance?
    Obama could screw up a 2 car funeral.

  11. I almost guarantee that in 2014 when tax time comes around they will give a waiver to the mandate for lower income people...say anyone who makes 50k or less...they just make up the rules as they go. And when they say "I didn't vote for that" you can say, oh yes you did.

  12. What happened to personal responsibility? No insurance then you are going to suck off the system.

  13. I still love "gotta pass the bill before we read it." This right here says it all. The intellect of the entire democratic party is has been retarded. When one of their party leaders comes out and says this and they still support the bill (much less the party) speaks volumes to how low standards they have. They don't expect their party leaders to do their jobs. All they expect is what they perceive to be free stuff.

  14. @5:47, do not look at the Canadian system, it sucks too. I know Drs involved with the system and they have told me repeatedly to stay far, far away from their system. Ask yourself why they come across the border for surgeries and testing.


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