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Friday, November 09, 2012

Governor O'Malley Is A Criminal?

Someone posted this on Martin Omalleys facebook page.......

Governor Martin O'Malley is a criminal:

Martin should be federally indicted on charges of aiding, abetting, harboring illegal immigrants under the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii).

Perhaps we should start a citizens petition for action?

It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is in the United States in violation of law. HARBORING MEANS ANY CONDUCT THAT TENDS TO SUBSTANTIALLY FACILITATE AN ALIEN TO REMAIN IN THE U.S. ILLEGALLY.



  1. Yes. He signed the law. Each member of the State Senate and House who voted for it should be indicted as well.

  2. Not sure if he is a criminal but he is certainly an a-hole.

  3. He is a criminal as are most politicians who are Democrat!

  4. All politicians are criminals.

  5. To all the bigots who didn't even bother to read proposition 4 and thought ir provided acholarships for illegal immigrants at the expense of citizens and permanent residents: You lost! Get over it!

  6. I really honestly doubt Romney has any kind of criminal or even lurid past. The man is real. The life an open book. All lies and innuendo debunked.
    But back to the point, O'Malley has broken the law. Period.
    Yes we need to start a petition for impeachment and criminal prosecution based on this law.
    Where do I sign?


  7. They are not illegals, they are voters.

  8. 8:40. You are wasting your time. And I can't wait to regurgitate this stuff when the Salisbury Mayoral race heats up. ;)

  9. 6:39
    What part of illegal do you not understand? They should be given no benefits they should be shown to the nearest border and their parents should be fined and join them at the border. There will be spots that out of state students will not be able to get now because of the illegals. That will take money away from the college, in turn the college will up their rates. Maybe that doesn't matter to people that don't pay their own way in life but it does to those that do!

  10. Queensgirl, I do think anyone thinks they are getting anything for free such as a scholarship. It's in state tutition. Being against this does not make someone a bigot. Alot of people feel that someone should not benefit from something they have done illegally.

    Laws such as this (social) are supposed to be based on fundamental fairness. Not proposed in order to give a politician another voting block such as the Hispanic population and that is exactly what this is all about.
    The law's text states that only the "intent" has to be shown that the illegal has applied for permanent residency. I do not like that loophole. If Omalley/dems were truly sincere about their reasons for wanting this passed the text would say the illegal "MUST" be in the process of applying for permanent residency at the time of college application.

  11. The main arguement those in favor of the Dream Act chant is-These people are here regardless of their immigration status so we may as well educate them so they will be productive. The problem is....yes there's this hugh loophole that doesn't ever attempt to make certain that they even apply for citizenship.
    This is nothing more than non citizens using the US education system in order to go back to their home country and use the skills in their own countries.


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