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Saturday, November 03, 2012

State police: Do not leave cars idling in cold weather

Drivers who idle their cars to warm them up invite thieves and could face fines this winter, Maryland State Police warns.

The agency launched a campaign warning drivers that running cars are an easy target for criminals prowling neighborhoods, gas stations and grocery stores. Leaving a car running and unoccupied can also result in a $70 fine and one point on the driver's record.



  1. Yeah.msp tropper statton tried to ticket a firefighter for leaving his vehicle idling while he was ten foot away administering c.p.r to a non breathing subject.that cop shoildnt be a cop.

  2. They can't come onto private property for something like this!

    1. It was in a small country store parking lot.

  3. I have a remote starter that warms up the car without the keys in it and all the doors are locked. The doors have to be locked for it to work. I'll let you know if I get a ticket and how that turns out in court.

  4. 5:33
    My husband has the same thing but since he doesn't have electric locks his truck does not lock....however as you know unless the key is in the ignition if someone jumps in as soon as they put their foot on the brake to put it in gear the engine does. I wonder if he will get a ticket for the same thing.....we will see.

  5. It's on my property, I will warm my car up. To hell with the State of Maryland and this stupid law!
    If you want to ticket and fine me, you will have to trespass on my property to do this and it better be justified.

  6. 4:07- nope didn't happen.

    1. I was standing there watching it.can tell you what company and who was involved. Even watched one firefighter call him a racist name because he is a black cop.it was a heated situation. Had my phone out ready to film it.then as fast as it started it was over.

  7. I do believe its against the law to film the police

  8. i do believe previous anon needs to check their facts.


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