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Saturday, November 03, 2012


As Chuck Todd and NBC release their juicy-juiced-juicery from a propagandist named Marist predicting Obama will nearly double his 2008 turnout advantage with a D+9 poll, in his first trip to Ohio since Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney attracted a jaw-dropping crowd of 30,000 at a rally Friday evening.



  1. You will not see that figure on any MSM.

  2. The speech I heard Mitt give last night was very presidential and he spoke more about working together than to use Obama as a scape goat.

    Reagan inhereited over 10% unemployment from Jimmy Carter, but you didn't hear him blame Carter for the first 4 years. He just worked to get the job done.

  3. People are and should be ashamed to publically support such a lying low class candidate. He thinks it perfectly fine for woman to be referred to as hoes.
    It may be okay for his wife and daughters to be referred to as hoes but the rest of America's wives and daughter will not stand for it. The Obamas need to go back to the ghetto where they belong and will fit in perfectly.

  4. The democrats are weird. All the focus on 'woman's parts instead of smarts' was getting creepy and making Obama out to look like some kind of pervert. I can't look at him anymore without thinking he's got some kind of sexual deviants going on.
    Making woman nothing more than sex objects has turned alot of them off and they are voting for Romney.

  5. OKAY, for the record, can you please spell it right?
    One womAn = woman"

    2 or more womEn = women.
    Jeeze, read a dictionary sometime!


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