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Saturday, November 03, 2012

‘Puppet March’ To Defend PBS Funding At U.S. Capitol

Organizers of a Million Puppet March are announcing their plans for a Washington rally three days before the election to support funding for public broadcasting.
The march of puppets and puppeteers is planned for Saturday. It begins at 10 a.m. at Lincoln Park east of the Capitol. About 600 participants will later march around the Capitol to the Capitol Reflecting Pool.
Organizers say they wanted to respond to Mitt Romney’s plan to eliminate funding for PBS and its shows and characters like Big Bird on “Sesame Street” as a way to reduce the nation’s deficit.


  1. This is a joke right? Are you puppet people friggin idiots? Do you know that a massive storm just demolished the North East Coast? I can't take a puppet march seriously. Get a grip.

  2. Maybe the coyote's will eat them!

  3. Puppets are PEOPLE!!!! They have a VOTE!


  4. Anything has a vote if your a dem.


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