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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Programmer Under Oath Admits Computers Rig Elections


  1. Thanks for finding this.

    This is exactly why our country is in trouble. WE THE PEOPLE are not as unified in justice as we once were. Corruption has taken hold in the highest levels of our government and I don't know how we are going to get integrity back.

    As a society we are at a critical moment. That is respect, tolerance, negotiation and love of country will have to be taught; otherwise we are doomed.

    And for the takers - let's just say they will be the hardest hit in the end.

  2. I have no doubt the election was rigged in many states. There can't be that many stupid people in this country who voted for Obama. Probably his buddies, the union bosses were involved. This country will continue to go down hill with this administration. We will never recover. I fear for my children.

  3. So what do we do as a nation?

  4. Nobody cares now that Obama won the election. Before that there were all kinds of Facebook posts about what your voting rights were and how Tagg Romney owned a business that supplied the voting machines in Ohio (turned out to be false but the damage was done) and then there was the viral video that showed the Obama vote turning to Romney. Claims of the opposite didn't have corroborating video (plus it was about Romney so again, nobody cared).

  5. No one may care now but when prosperity and freedom are gone they will wake up. I think the real question is will it be too late?

  6. what can we do? get involved in your city/county/state governments. stay politically in tune. know what is happening at every level. search for truth each day. make calls and send emails to voice your concerns. never stop doing this.

    i have believed there has been voter fraud for many years now. the machines just make it easier and take it to a new level.

    the most important thing is to pray daily for wisdom and discernment in all areas of life.

    if you love your family and care about their future; train them to do the same. be vigilant.


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