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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Florida Vote Twist: More Ballots Than Voters

Republican Congressman Allen West’s campaign is ready to “go to war” to get a recount in the Florida 18th Congressional District race. The latest twist to emerge from the ongoing vote count – in some precincts there are more ballots than voters.
Preliminary, unofficial vote totals were filed today in the neck and neck race between Mr. West and Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy. The Murphy campaign has already declared victory, but the numbers have not been officially certified and the count goes on. The West campaign believes that they are close to the .5% vote margin that will trigger an automatic recount under Florida election law.
The vote count has been marked by controversy. Poll watchers accuse local election officials of incompetence, intimidation and possible fraud. The latest twist is that in some precincts of St. Lucie County there appear to be dozens more ballots being counted than the number of voters. The West campaign is demanding St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker release the voter poll books that show how many voters actually showed up on Election Day to validate the count. “What we are saying is, open your books!” a source close to the West campaign toldThe Washington Times.


  1. That's happening all over the country. There are more registered or voters than eligible voters. Obama and the democrats stole an election. Nothing is going to happen until law abiding citizens and republicans start fighting back. Republicans have turned into soft hearted weaklings.

  2. I was told by the poll person at the Wicomico Civic Center that I didn't need my photo ID, I answered the questions she asked and that was good enough.

    I had my photo ID and voter registration card in my hand, she said she didn't need either.

  3. And if you didn't speak/read english they had a woman to fill out your vote card.

  4. I just don't know which is worse. On the one hand, you have the very real possibility of massive vote fraud. On the other, if the vote is legitimate, you have to reconcile yourself to the fact that a plurality of voters are breathtakingly stupid.

  5. It was totally a referendum on entitlements. People that have grown up used to government handouts would never vote for anyone that could actually create a job for them so they can work for their income.

    That's what generations of entitlements have grown, people that expect something for nothing, and if they can't get it, they will steal yours. Get used to it, lock and load.

  6. Cheat, lies and destroy ...the mantra of the Dumbocrats ... no surprise. Gimmee. gimmee, gimmee


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