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Sunday, November 11, 2012


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic civil rights organization, found in its 2012 presidential exit poll that more than 85% of American Muslims voted for President Barack Obama.

In 2008, 89% of Muslims voted for Obama.
CAIR surveyed 650 American Muslims, and the states with the highest number of respondents were: California, New York, Texas, Virginia, Illinois, Florida, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Ohio.


  1. being that we are at war with muslim countries.... every single muslim/arab in this country should be sent to internment camps just like the japanese during WWII they have come here thinking they are welcome..... guess what you are not go home or leave your culture back where you came from

  2. 1:24 Germany was a Catholic country, should we have done the same then?

  3. They came to the wrong country. Accept our ways because you ran here or go back. It's like me going to Alaska and wearing shorts and a tee shirt and asking them to keep me warm.

  4. I bet their out of state ballets were counted.

  5. I'm converting to Islam, they know how the links in the chain are supposed to be:

    Women and children do all of the hunting and gathering, men don't have to do squat.

    First the men eat, after the men eat, then the women tending to the children are allowed to feed the children, followed by the dog.

    IF there is enough food left after the dogs eat, the women are then allowed to eat.

    Any religion that allows me to have 7 wives then go on jihad and recieve 77 virgins is the best religion known to MANkind.

    Sarcasim at it's finest!

  6. They are not welcome in this country because they came here for freedom and all you see and here out of them is Allah and there SH/T so called religion,If you loved this country you would drop your radical thoughts and become what the majority of this country is CHRISTIAN...

  7. So 15% supported Romney. Shame on him

  8. Yeah!! Muslims rule.finally women will do as they are told.You go Obama!!

  9. Wait till they start blowing themselves up in shopping centers, than see if you like them here.

  10. Alex, those 15% were most likely Arabs. I'm sure you know that only approx 20% of all Muslims are Arabs. Arabs are the civilized Muslims-you know from countries such as Egypt and Libya, which were once secular UNTIL Obama meddled and now both are Islamic strongholds.

  11. No suprise here, muslims voting for a muslim.

  12. Obama wasn't just content with screwing up the USA so he had to go and screw up Egypt and Libya for those poor people. Only a stupid fool American would vote for another fool like Obama!
    That Arab Spring he bragged about is working so great isn't it? Dead Americans killed by terrorists who have overrun the country of Libya. ONLY A FOOL WOULD HAVE EVER BELIEVED THESE WERE FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN SEARCH OF DEMOCRACY.


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