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Sunday, November 04, 2012

OC FOP Election Endorsement

The Ocean City, MD Fraternal Order of Police #10 endorses the following candidates in the upcoming Town of OC Elections:
For Mayor: Rick Meehan
For OC Council: Doug Cymek/ Dennis Dare/ Mary Knight/ and Joe Mitrecic
Please see the attached flyer for a short description of each candidate
Feel free to share this with anyone that you think may benefit from this information
Ocean City, MD Fraternal Order of Police #10
9927 Stephen Decatur Highway G14
Ocean City, MD 21842


  1. How could the FOP ever endorse both Knight and Cymek who so ignorantly walked out on Hal Adkins who had hoped for atleast the civility due him of these council members. FOP you are digusting to approve of such rudeness. So much for being professionals. This is telling and says volumes of the caliber of officers OC has sunken to hiring.
    No one worth anything would approve the that behavior.

  2. Facebook exchange-

    Knight-"Doug, you are such a bad boy."
    Cymek-"Just starting the fire."
    Knight-"If you need flint I have an over abundance."
    Cymek-"Burn baby burn"

    FOP you find this acceptable? Is this the way adult professionals are to behave? Does the FOP condone this? If so the OCPD has got some real problems with immaturity.

  3. The FOP makes me sick. The lack of courtsey and the total ignorance towards those who do not support these candidates is unprecedented. Instead of publically condemming this, these candidates (and now apparently the FOP) not only approve but wallow in it. The total lack of class and upbringing is telling. The low moral standards is sickening.

  4. Interesting because I've seen some of the comments in the Dispatch and FB and other sites and thought also that the candidates should have been right in the mix discouraging ignorant comments from those who support them against the other candidates. It does show a complete lack of class and decency for the candidates to have allowed this to go on and can only mean that yes, they not only "wallowed" in it but took great pleasure in it. Personally I too find it distasteful and will not ever vote for someone who doesn't atleast make an attempt to stop the dirty politics.

  5. Anon- that conversation is a complete fabrication made up by Jim Hall. Do not believe everything you read in a political ad.

  6. The FOP got their union and high pay now they want to help the rest of the town employees unionize. They know which candidates are on the union side.

  7. No it is not because I've seen some of their chatter on their FB's myself so stop lying. Not only that Mary Knight associates with JT who himself has said completely terrible personal attacks against the Halls and she never once has attempted to tell him to publically stop with the personal attacks. Birds of a feather flock together and for her to allow JT to blabber on says alot about her lack of character. This alone proves they are sleazy and capable of any unbecoming behavior. And now for the FOP to endorse this is horrible to think that police officers would sink so low as to approve of candidates who themselves approve of using personal attacks against opponents.

  8. IMO the FOP made a grave mistake and are being short sighted. They should not have endorsed anyone. I've heard this election being compared to the Todd defeat and how no doubt Todd lost due to the dirty politics and his failure to come out publically and atleast make an attempt to put a halt to it.
    Voters do not like it when the candidates start questioning their opponents character, allow opponents to be called stupid among other things, etc.
    Personally I will not vote for any the FOP endorses. They allowed divisiveness to fester and grow. They own it. If they do win I hope to hell they are proud of themselves and how they won. What comes around goes around and the public will not respect you with your anthing goes attitude.
    To any young voters out there-this is not the way elections are supposed nor should be.
    And to the FOP-You roll around with dirt and you become dirty yourself. I thought you all were better than that.

  9. It's there 2:57. I've been stalking their FB's myself. There are a few questionable conversaions on both of their Facebook's. Kind of like makes you think-"Are these 2 really adults much less council members."
    Unprofessional is an understatement.

  10. I just read a campaign letter I received from Dennis Dare and I am taken aback. He says "some people have only made promises to protect your pocketbook that lack detail as well as false allegations using buzzwords borrowed from national politics. This combative behavior has been offensive and counter productive to moving OC forward..."
    He procedes to basically call some council members dysfunctional and promotes himself as having "character."
    First I would like to know what is/was so "combative" about promises made and what are these false allegations made? If you are going to say this then the prudent thing would be to offer examples.
    Secondly he wants us to elect officials with "character." Is he including himself in the group that has "character?" His political signs are grouped with those who do promote dirty politics laced with personal attacks against not only the candidates themselves but those who speak favorably of those candidates. This is what he thinks is "character?" I got news for you Mister, you do not have character when you associate with those that promote such discourse and that is what you should find offensive.

  11. This is some of the behavior the FOP has engaged in. This was a comment left in the Dispatch in response to a letter to the editor that did not fit the FOP's agenda. Nice isn't it?
    Instead of engaging Mr Clogg in an intelligent fact based debate this is what you get when you disagree with them. I agree that if any of those endorsed by the FOP had an ounce of class they would have immediately taken action with their own comment. Seeing this made me sick.

    "David Clogg from Timonium, stay in Timonium. You don't live in OC so mind your own business. That's the problem with outsiders like you, you're involved in everyone elses business except your own. Do the Town a favor and don't come back to OC."

  12. Just keep going in the new Hall direction.... OUT THE DOOR!

  13. 6:11 PM

    So what's wrong with it?

    A non-resident should have sway in the town?

    I don't even know what you all are arguing about but if he doesn't live there, shut the hell up.

    Simple. Just like Joe says, if you don't like this blog, click the red 'x'. Problem solved. If you don't like a town, don't go there.

  14. Nice comment 8:17. You are obviously a representative of Meehan, Dare, Cymek, Knight and Mitrecic. Unbelievable.
    Yes anyone should be able to offer an opinion esp a well written polite one like Mr Clogg tends to do. The behavior you display is repugnant and a reflection on the candidates you are defending.

  15. I believe David Clogg owns property in Ocean City so he is a tax payer. 8:17.
    The FOP should have a sway in the town? NO, the tax payers who pay their salaries should have the only say resident or not. Remember there is a butt for every seat and OC would not miss a beat if you all left-so remember that- and the way you all have been acting it is too the point where alot of people would like to tell you all to not let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
    As far as not liking the town-what orifice did you pull that statement out of? Sounds like the ramblings of someone who has had a few too many so go away and come back to debate preferably when you sober up.

  16. If this is the same David Clogg who did the radio broadcast locally (financial) anyone would be a fool to not take his words to heart. A brilliant man.
    I also saw the hard time he was subjected to with his Letters to the Editor. It really was uncalled for and extremely rude to put it mildly.

  17. I usually support the Police but not this time. I'm voting for both Joe and Jim Hall and still undecided about the others. I'm voting against the question even though I got a call reminding me to go and vote for it saying that I signed the petition when I did not.....Hmmmmmmm. I googled the number and it was some union place out of Baltimore. They were pretty adamant that I signed when I didn't.

  18. FOP = FOR OUR POCKETS", those they endorse will do one thing..... supoort thier union agenda! Wake up folks, past union president Paddack stupid enough to plaster his personal truck with large Cymeck signs! Vote "Slymeck, Knight, Dare, you vote for the union!, and the pay increases they caused.

  19. The what amounted to a dismissal of Hal Adkins ticked me off like no tomorrow. I probably could have overlooked it and after awhile and just chucked it up to emotions at the time.
    But then they didn't get off it. Yeah we know you are upset with Dare's firing but get off it already, enough is enough-we are sick of hearing it and if it's so bothering at this point in time then maybe they should be telling it to their psychiatrits. Instead of moving on they continued to flog this dead horse to the point of being nothing more than obstuctionists. As adults they should have realized you do not get your way all the tine, and when you dont' you move on and stop dwelling.

  20. "shut the hell up."

    You have summed it up beatifully 8:17. This being the consistant message of M., D., C., K., and M.
    If you do not support them and their agendas then you must shut the hell up or risk being ridiculed. I hope none of these people win but if they do I hope they are proud of how they promoted this craziness. I really do not know how they can even face the public because I am hearing this over and over by what I think is a silent majority of voters who see what is going on.

  21. At the end of the day, this all about the money. Word to you if you are not a resident of OC, stay out of town and find another beach destination. If you are a OC resident, ask the real question, How is Mayor Rick and the other council members going to handle the huge unfunded pension liability around the corner? Who has to local taxpayers back?


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