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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Obama Sending Clinton To Middle East

President Obama is sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Jerusalem, Ramallah and Cairo in hopes that she can help mediate an end to bloody conflict in the region.

From Fox News


  1. Maybe she can meet the same fate as those four that she ignored.

  2. Hamas the group out to destroy Israel is the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the same group Obama and Co. helped to get in power, propped up and funded in Egypt. They are going to give Clinton lip service. It's a waste of time. The Muslim Brotherhood already has the Obama admin's number and that is they are a bunch of incompetent fools who are easy to pull the wool over their eyes due to their immense stupidity.

  3. How would it look to the muslim world if Obama went to negotiate peace? He can't have muslim blood on his hands, he is still dripping with American blood.

  4. Why? Are they having a late Halloween contest.


  5. Finally a job for her...Holding up targets.


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