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Thursday, November 15, 2012


Stryker Corporation has announced that it will close its facility in Orchard Park, New York, eliminating 96 jobs next month. It will also counter the medical device tax in Obamacare by eliminating 5% of their global workforce, an estimated 1,170 positions.

Jon Stryker is heir to the Stryker Corporation, one of the largest medical device and equipment manufacturers in the world. Stryker’s grandfather was the surgeon who invented the mobile hospital bed. The company now sells $8.3 billion worth of hospital beds, artificial joints, medical cameras, and medical software every year.


  1. This is going to be the new norm. Yeah that healthcare law Obama came up with sure is proving to be a success isn't it? Dopes! This is the exact reason an overwhelming majority of this bill wasn't scheduled to go into effect until after the election. It is going to be disastous.
    What cracks me up is the braindeads who all throughtout the campaigns touted Obamacare as a success when it's not ever been implimented yet. Their stupidity is quite amusing.

  2. now it is affecting those money bags that supported obama with millions of dollars. not a very comforting picture.

  3. Every ambulance in Wicomico County has a Stryker Stretcher in the back. I wish I would have known they were big supporters of Obammie!

  4. It just came across FoxNews atleast 20 other companies have just announced including Aetna, Blue Cross, a dozen or more healthcare systems and others in the industry. Atleast 20 and maybe even more.

  5. There's something I am surprised to see. Someone on here referencing FoxNews. Huh, imagine that.

  6. I'm glad Obama won the election.
    Now all his supporters can FEEL the hope and change.
    They've all ignored it with the help of the Government controlled MSM so far. They've ignore the credit downgrades that raise the interest on borrowed money to billions of dollars a day. They've ignored record unemployment. They've ignored foreign policy disasters that Obama owns.
    They've ignore a President running the country without a budget, on borrowed money for 4 years.

    I'm laughing at them when I say,
    "I TOLD YOU SO!"
    A lot of people got conned by the fraud 4 years ago. This time it's just blind stupidity!
    God it's good to be right!

  7. "Anonymous said...
    There's something I am surprised to see. Someone on here referencing FoxNews. Huh, imagine that.

    November 15, 2012 3:32 PM"

    Yep, the only place to get the real and true story. The others only give a bright and rosie picture. Like "job growth." You all get all jazzed up over this supposed "job growth." CNN/CNBC/MSNBC always forget to mention the jobs lost or positions eliminated for the periods and no one who watches these stations seems to have the sense to even ask. It's amazing!

  8. Well this is what people voted for. ENJOY IT!


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