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Thursday, November 15, 2012

51st State?

Last week, Puerto Rico voted for the first time to become one of the United States of America – and we might not even have to add an extra star to the flag. 

That's because Republican officials in Texas are considering seceding following President Obama's re-election. The treasurer of the Hardin Country Republican Party down in Texas – Peter Morrison – floated the idea of secession in his post-election newsletter writing, "Texas was once its own country, and many Texans already think in nationalist terms about their state...Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government? Let each go her own way in peace, sign a free trade agreement among the states and we can avoid this gut-wrenching spectacle every four years." Tens of thousands of Texans have also sent a petition to the White House calling for secession. And Texas Governor Rick Perry floated the idea of secession as well after President Obama was elected to his first term. I'm just wondering if there's any way we can expedite this process...


  1. What? So you all realize the amount of foodstamps and welfare that would go to that region? It is a country of poor Latinos. Here we are trying to control the amount of people coming and we are gonna let a whole flipping country in? They are fine were they're at as one of it's territories /retarded lol brother.

  2. lol they want to jump on a sinking ship you know they are idiots. I think we should sell Puerto Rico to the highest bidder!

  3. What a bunch of yahoos!

  4. Expedite? Heck yeah. Stick that barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger.

  5. Puerto Rico should be a reminder of what we do not want to become but fear we are with Obama in office.
    A Banana republic!

  6. I've been to Puerto Rico several times and like it very much. The people there seemed fine to me.

    Why they would want to be a STATE is beyond me. There must be some kind of benefit for them to do that.

    If they want it, they can have it, imo.


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