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Sunday, November 04, 2012

Lost Dog 11-2-12 UPDATE

I am writing to you because I know of your great success in reuniting lost pets and their families.

My Siberian Husky got loose last night at 6:30 from my new home on Porter Mill Road in Hebron 
(between Braggs Lane and Deerfield Road). We and our friends searched all night with no luck. 
She never goes out unless she is on a lead, and I am very afraid that she will not be able to find 
her way home, especially since we just moved to our new home two weeks ago. Her name is 
Liebe (pronounced Lee bah), but she also answers to Cookie. She is a copper and white Siberian 
Husky with ice blue eyes. I have attached a picture.

If any of your readers see her, please have them call Emily at 443-880-8205.

Thank you for any help that you can provide, and for all you do for pets on Delmarva.


  1. Huskies have great stamina and love to run. My first piece of advice would be go to the Humane Society in person (I cannot stress this enough) and look for your pet. Do not trust them to tell you if your dog is there.

  2. She just returned home a few minutes ago safe and sound thank you everyone for keeping an eye out

  3. thanks mr albero for all you do for the animals. now if we could rid the humane society of fitzgerald, gordy and littleton the animals in there and coming thru the doors would have alot better chances.

  4. 7:16. I agree with you completely. The HS has needed a major hous cleaning as well as the board of directors. They all do as little as they can get by with to help the animals in the county or to try to find homes for the animals they have. This place has been a death camp for animals for far to long.


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