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Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hour by hour: What to watch on Election Night

Stock up on munchies and make sure the batteries in your TV remote are fresh. With this year's presidential election razor-close to the finish, Tuesday could be a long night.

Even if the presidency isn't decided until after midnight EST, there will be plenty of clues early in the evening on how things are going for President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. Obama has more options for piecing together the 270 electoral votes needed for victory, so any early setbacks for Romney could be important portents of how the night will end.



  1. I'm watching MSNBC! The looks on their faces when they have to start calling states for Romney (kicking and screaming no doubt) is going to be priceless!
    How much you wanna bet they are 10-15 mins behind Fox in calling states for Romney?

  2. I'd love to see a list of states Romney is gonna win that adds up to 270 Electoral Votes. I've been asking my R friends for two months and no one can piece one together.
    What states does Romney win that equals 270 EVs? If you can't or won't answer that question, then we have a pretty good idea whom thou think is gonna win, whether you're willing to admit it out loud or not

  3. 1055-Every swing state is within the margin of error, and Obama doesn't have 50%+ in any of them, which spells disaster. 80% of late deciders vote against the incumbent, 15% of the time the late decider vote is split, and a mere 5% of the time it goes in favor of the incumbent.

  4. The fact that Obama isn't showing atleast 50% in any polls is telling. Majority of independants still undecided will end up casting for Romney. Obama campaign did everything wrong. Spent 6 months attempting to demonize Romney and it backfired. Spent months on the goofy War on Woman stuff and that fell flat.

  5. I think the woman vote is going to pull it over for Romney. Believe it or not there are still some self respecting woman in the dem party that will not tolerate not a liar for a president. Alot of dem woman are ashamed of the likes of perlosi who doesn't read bills before they are passed and Schultz whom herself is a stranger to the truth. And then there is Fluke who is enough to make any self respecting woman puke. She is the eptiome of a slut and no one really cares to hear about her sex life. She's really someone a parent can be proud of.

  6. It is going to be priceless to see Madow, Matthews, etc when they have to call romney. It's going to be kind of like the look Nancy Grace had when Casey Anthony was found not guilty. Grace looked just like she had eaten a hugh pile of crap when the verdict was read.

  7. This has been clear for months.

    No one has ever won re-election with unemployment over 7.2%. No one has ever won re-election with Consumer Sentiment under 90, it is now 82.5. No one has ever won re-election by a lower margin than their initial election in the past 100 years. No one has ever lost Independents by more than 4 and won. Pollsters, even Rasmussen, are still using D+4 samples and higher. Both Rasmussen and Gallup have polls with HUGE samples saying the electorate in R+3 and that doesn't even account for voter enthusiasm.

    53/47 no problem.

  8. 51-48 Romney in Ohio.

  9. You got to read between the lines. Romney's hitting OH hard. Obama's grasping at clinging to NH. Internal polls are most likely telling the Obama camp he's gone and lost both OH and now PA. They all but gave up campaigning in FL. Most telling is why did Obama's suddenly buy a home in Hawaii? Not so long ago Stepford Wife Obama was telling an interviewer that she did not wish to return to Chicago if Obama loses.

  10. As corrupt as the Democrats are, I still believe in my heart that Romney will be our next President! So many people saw Obama who he really is (A FAKE) and and those that were undecided have heard so much about the Benghazi coverup that it made it easier to vote for our next President- Romney. The liberals cant stand this for one minute!

  11. Keep em coming people.These comments are giving me hope.

  12. I keep on going to Karl Rove and Dick Morris' sites for my hope 6:39. Check out their sites-very insightful and both are expert pollsters, understand how sampling works etc. Both predict a Romney victory.


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