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Friday, November 23, 2012


Arkansas Atheists are upset that a local elementary school plans to send second graders on a field trip to see a stage production of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at a church.

Anne Orsi, Vice President of the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers, an atheist organization, told KARK said a parent complained to the group about the event because the play had "religious content" and was being performed at a church.

"We're not saying anything bad about Charlie Brown," Orsi said. “The problem is that it's got religious content and it's being performed in a religious venue and that doesn't just blur the line between church and state, it over steps it entirely."



  1. You don't want your kid to see the play? THEN DON'T SEND HIM! But don't punish the other 30 kids who want to see it.

  2. I'm an atheist and i would let my kids go and see the play. the parents and children don't have to beleive to go on the class trip. it is just certain people just want to bitch and complain and don't want other people to have their beleifs.

  3. Time to get out the pistol and shoot to the head. Sorry, but my cup of care just ran out.

  4. "We're not saying anything bad about Charlie Brown,"
    then what if not that?
    idiots. shame on anybody who lets them get away with it.

  5. It's as easy as not signing a permission slip.

  6. 6:32 - LOL!! How about it!!!! Also I agree with the above - If you don't like it- Fine, But keep your kid home and let the rest of the kids enjoy it!!!

  7. Letting the rest of (fill in the blank here) have any fun is NOT on their agenda (atheists). We (the overwhelming (thats right, OVERWHELMING) majority are not allowed to force our beliefs on atheists, but THEY are allowed to force their NON-BELIEF on us? Turn the channel, dial another station, stay home, leave the room, whatever. Or don't sign the permission slip. Just please, stop with the feigned outrage and convoluted reasoning that accompanies all atheist whining...


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