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Friday, November 23, 2012

Company Fires Women In Facebook Furor

Two women from the Boston area whose photo at Arlington Cemetery went viral have been fired.

The employer put an announcement on the company's Facebook page last night Lindsey Stone and Jamie Schuh no longer work there.

Recently a photo appeared on Facebook in which Stone was seen during a visit to the DC area posing at the Tomb of the Unknowns next to a sign calling for silence and respect at the site.



  1. They were on a PAID company trip! They should have been written up or fired.

  2. At best she is stupid.

  3. Maybe I do not kmow the entirety of this story. While their actions were offensive, being dismissed from an Assisted Living Facility for a stupid act not related to their job in D. C. seems over the top... What next, fire an employee for wearing purple at the family picnic. Did I miss an important piece of this story???

  4. This was a bad decison on their part, but I don't think that they meant any disrespect to our dead heroes. Just a young dumb thing. It would have been funny if the sign didn't include the location. I have family buried there, and it really pissed me off when I first saw it, but our young today don't really have a clue about the sacrifices these men and women made to keep us free. That is the saddest part about the whole deal. The comapny had no choice but to fire them, and I would have done the same.

  5. People in charge are doing stupid things these days anyway.Generals are getting hammered for having affairs,affairs being 100% legal the last time I checked.Future presidential candidates are getting hammered for how they answered the question "How old do you think the earth is"? Who the hell cares? These young ladies did something really stupid and disrespectful,but the last time I checked,expression was still a freedom protected by our constitution.Oh that's right,we don't go by that anymore.

  6. One hell of a law suit coming if they did in fact fire her. Our constitution defends first amendment rights, even if we don't necessarily agree with what the person is saying.

  7. Our young don't have a clue is correct 9:12!

    Oh what a troubled state our Country is in!!!

  8. "Our constitution defends first amendment rights, even if we don't necessarily agree with what the person is saying."

    No one denied her the right to make an ass of herself. The constitution does not protect her from the repercussions of her free speech.

  9. 12;29. thank you. its a good thing my father didn't see her doing that. He was in the Pacific killing Japanese when he was sixteen and told me about some of the great men with whom he served. Some who never got to say goodbye to their kids or bled out in some swampy jungle. Men who died for an idea that these youngsters can't or don't understand because their whole lives have been "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie". No sense of history, morals, respect, dignity, sacrifice, duty, or class. My father would have killed them where they stood. And that is not an exaggeration. Thats old school...

  10. The first amendment absolutely allows her the right to do what she did. The problem is that protects her against the gov't taking action against her. She was on a company trip so is representing her employer. Her employer has the absolute right to fire for negatively impacting their business.
    She says she mant no disrespect, BS, she absolutely meant to be disrespectful. She may not appreciate the level of disrespect but it was completely out of line.


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