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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Boeing Announces Big Layoffs in Defense Division

Boeing announced a major restructuring of its defense division on Wednesday that will cut 30 percent of management jobs from 2010 levels, close facilities in California and consolidate several business units to cut costs.

The company [BA 70.98 0.87 (+1.24%) ] told employees about the changes on Wednesday, in a memo obtained by Reuters and confirmed by Boeing.

Boeing, the Pentagon's second-largest supplier, said the changes were the latest step in an affordability drive that has already reduced the company's costs by $2.2 billion since 2010, according to the memo.



  1. Big union shop. I have no sympathy.

  2. Agree with 6:01 - the employees got what they voted for.

    It's the 'big-company' vs. OweBlama 'reelection' effect. Expect more due to higher taxes, sequestration cuts, and AffordableCareAct implementation.

  3. How do you like the same now?
    Lean forward. They ain't done yet.

  4. The Boeing layoffs are white-collar management, not union jobs.

  5. Well obama told the defense contractors to wait until after the election to announce layoffs. looks like at least one of them did his bidding. Doesn't really matter now to him if unemployment spikes to umpteen percent.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    The Boeing layoffs are white-collar management, not union jobs.

    November 9, 2012 7:55 AM"

    Not true. The layoffs include management jobs but is not limited to them. This article by CNBC (MSM of course) doesn't mention the number of workers (1000's) in CA who will lose jobs when the plant there closes.
    Gotta start using those critical thinking skills and read into these MSM articles otherwise you will be fooled everytime.

  7. There will be alot more layoffs to come--the economic collapse is inevitable.

  8. A friend of mine who works for another one of the big defense contractors got a promotion recently. They have phased out her old postion and have consolidated the duties between her new position and another one. So not only are layoffs occuring but also positions are being eliminated. You don't hear much about the jobs lost to elimination.


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