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Monday, November 05, 2012

As Election Day Nears, Obama Supporters Step Up Riot Threats

A few weeks ago, Twitchy reported on Twitter users threatening to riot if President Obama loses to GOP rival Mitt Romney. With four days to go until Election Day, we decided this is a topic worth revisiting.  The results of our Twitter searches are not pretty:


  1. Lot of wind to turn them turbines with.

  2. Well this is no surprise. When Bush won they were out there en mass protesting.

    Sore losers.

  3. I'm guessing these threats are comming from michell obama.

  4. Hoping the FBI and DHS will be busy hunting these terrorists down in the next few days!!!

  5. Can't be the first lady, the English grammar is too good.

  6. They'll start it and me and the boys from the NRA will end it.

  7. seriously, do you expect any less from these people?

  8. The call me DKR. The ones that live that is. See, I'm the baddest thing you have ever seen, on a monitor.

    What does DKR stand for? Why son just listen here, DKR stands for Dell Keyboard Rambo.

    I punch them little keys faster than a redneck brushes his teeth. Yippee kyayee

  9. May peace and logic prevail. Amen


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