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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Advocates For Medical Marijuana Prepare For 2013 MD Legislative Session

There will be another push to legalize medical marijuana in Maryland during the 2013 legislative session, which begins in less than two months.
Supporters hope wider acceptance in places like Colorado and Washington State might ease their bill's passage in Annapolis.
It’s a pressing issue for people like Sarah Eyre -- an Air Force veteran who left her job with a defense contractor at Fort Meade to focus on her yarn-dying business, full time.
“I kept making more dyed yarn and more dyed yarn and it kept selling,” she said.


  1. There are more states that have conceal carry than legalized marijuana and Maryland doesn't have either

  2. Medical marijuana is a scam. Just legalize it and then sit back and watch the government screw it all up. The stoners think legalizing marijuana would be a good thing. What does the government do well besides building an awesome military? Pretty much nothing.

  3. Just think of the revenue ciggs bring.and ciggs use is declining. Enter Mary Jane.the tax money generated would be astronomical. And people wouldn't just quit because its to expensive


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