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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today marks the beginning of a major Congressional hearing on the terror attack In Libya and in a desperately transparent attempt to get ahead of damaging news, at the very last minute tonight, the State Department finally came clean:

 In other words, absolutely everything we were told by our government -- by President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice. White House Spokesman Jay Carney, and any number of staffers and surrogates -- was 100% false.

There were no protests, no benign crowds exploited by local militias, and nothing had anything to do with a video. Our Ambassador, another diplomat, and two Navy SEALs  were murdered in a brutally efficient and coordinated terrorist attack.


  1. Sooo.... it took the Obama Administration ONE FULL MONTH to come off their LIE, and come clean with the truth.

    There is LESS THAN ONE FULL MONTH before it's time to vote for our next president.

    Think about that.

    So, whatever Obama claims now will take ONE FULL MONTH TO DISPROVE!

    That will be AFTER the election. Too late if you believe his crap.

    This man has to exit our political system, and cannot lead this country. He's an Illegal Alien as well, having NEVER given proper proof of citizenship. He is ruining our Constitution and Country.

  2. So, your "President" admits he's lied to you THIS MONTH! And, in the next sentence, wants you to vote him in for another 4 years of the same lies.

    Will you?

  3. That should be a game ender for the obama regime.

  4. They blantantly lied about the movie trailer being the cause (which no one had even heard of at the time) which in turn caused much unheaval in other Middle Eastern and some European countries and Austrailia even.
    Of course this attack was planned and it became even more of an effort on the part of Al Qaida when all they did was brag ad nauseum at the convention and before how they "got bin laden." They don't dare brag about it now-notice that?
    Maybe there was a reason why Bush didn't get bin laden???? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that there's someone waiting in line for the succession.

  5. they are all osama's. you would have to kill every single one of them for this to end. I don't see that happening.

  6. The Neo-Cons manufactured the movie and made it a hit on the Internet. Then, Al-CIA-Duh pulled a murder job for hire. The controlled media gave Barry the opening to go along with the "movie" narrative. They tricked him. They suckered him. They gave him the easy narrative and he ran with it.

    What a talking head, Obama.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This administration is composed of liars. Anyone who finds this new news has their head where the sun don't shine.

  9. What a bunch of lying SOB's! In their ultimate lack of wisdom they withdrew security back in August,no doubt so they wouldn't offend anyone. Now 4 people are dead because these degenerates in the WH and the State Dept are worried about someone being offended about seeing Marines with guns guarding OUR people in these foreign countries. Common murders Obama and Clinton.
    After this if anyone supports Obama they ain't worth a crap themselves.
    The 2 former SEALS are dead because they heard the ruckus and went above their duties and went to attempt to help and render aid to the ambassador and the other man and ended up dead themselves.
    This obama POS needs to go. He isn't worthy to lick dog crap off those dead men's shoes! And before anyone comes on here all high and mighty and says we should respect the president they can go to hell themselves!

  10. 8:17
    You've convinced me. These bastards killed heroes!

  11. The mother and father of one of the men killed is going to be on hannity in a few minutes. she is saying the obama admin put a target on her son's back when they went on about killing bin laden.

  12. And yet we have the Obama lovers still out there, criticizing me because I am voting for Romney. It's disheartening......they will never give up for some reason. It's like they are under some spell of the Dems/Libs.

  13. October 10, 2012 8:13 PM

    Be nice or shut up pls.

  14. Let them criticize you 11:22. Just go your own way with your head held high in the air because you are better then they are. Anyone who supports this know nothing leech should have their character, honesty and integity called upon. I don't even want to be around obama supporters because I don't trust them. You are what you believe in and if they believe in this liar than they are a liar or at the minimun condone the behaviour so there character must be questioned.
    He's taught people it's okay to steal as in these flash mob that say they deserve things. He's taught people to lie as he is doing it nonstop. He's taught people it's okay to engage in class warfare. He's taught people it's okay to shrug off success as being no big deal. I could go on and on about what Obama built.


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