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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Talk About A Waste Of Money

The gold shield you see on Mayor Jim Ireton's helmet cost the taxpayers over $200.00. Another Police Officer just got furloughed, (if you catch my drift).


  1. It should have been pink.

  2. Why does he have a fire helmet? Does he really have that big an ego of himself?

  3. What a dufus. My tax dollars paid for that. How absurd

  4. Maybe someone should ask him to cut a check and pay us back.

  5. Could he get anymore Goofy?

  6. Well he does know how to hold a hose.


  7. The BS is so deep I cant stand it.

  8. Are we really talking about the Mayor's helmet here? I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  9. He should have a little blinking ligjt on top and and a little siren. How silly. Look at me...I am the Mayor.

  10. He can put my fire out anytime LOL

  11. Do you think he knows how stupid he looks.

  12. Joe you are going to look great in that hat.

  13. He's a Democrat/socialist...
    He does not care because the Government is paying for it.
    Somehow there is a disconnect there.

  14. Even if it cost yen cents, why in the world woul he wear something like that?

  15. This is the type of thing that drives people crazy. This was NOT needed and I bet if they had to spend their own money there wouldn't be a gold shield. Since it's not coming out of their pockets they spend freely. They should ONLY buy things they NEED not things they want.

  16. People have a need to fill important, have others look and see I have arrived. Look at the big house I have the nice cars. Willing to spend other person’s moneys but give not one dime of their own. What does the Mayer do for Salisbury or any of them in their high places! He’s just a Mayer, all small towns have one. It’s like the low man on the pole. But to them it makes them fill better about themselves. What good has this bunch done for Salisbury? They put in all the BS calming whatevers on Isabella and the other end, hole in the road, bumps and a mess.

  17. I think there is a little mud on his helmet.

  18. Hey Jim did you ever paint the crosswalk where the guy was hit????

  19. Oh we get your drift Joe. Loud and clear.

  20. Jim Ireton's to-do list:

    1. Hold pizza box - check
    2. Model gold helmet - check
    3. Throw a hissy fit - check
    4. Call Debbie Campbell and Terry names - check
    5. Suck up to somebody - check
    6. Send a press release about going to the bathroom - check
    7. Get photo op with Laura Mitchell - check
    8. Hike people's taxes - check
    9. Scream about tea partiers - check
    10. Meet Laura and Chuck at Mojo's - check

    It's been a full day for our boy, but somebody had to do it!

  21. I think Rick Hoppes should pay for it since he bought it with tax dollars as a suck up gift to Ireton for the fire chiefs appointment. That isu malfeasance in office.

  22. is that his renegades halloween party costume?

  23. Does he have a policemans hat? Gold cap pistols? How about public works? Anyone?

    Hey Jim, the fire dept. is not the only city dept. We know it's your favorite but you really need to address the problems Salisbury has, not munching on pizza pretending you're a hero.

    BTW, did domino's pay you for endorsing their product?

    No class.

  24. 6:03
    You forgot.
    How to spend other peoples money. CHECK CHECK CHECK!

  25. What's funny about this was Hoppes was in bed with the Comegys campaign and was Ireton's biggest enemy. He allowed certain volunteer and paid guys to get away with the smear campaign. They were the ones that leaked the dirt on Ireton about getting arrested on that beach in Delaware. Sbynews even had a copy of an email with a Salisbury Fire Department email address on it.

  26. You're right===Hoppes should pay for it----Sure getting tired of them wasting our money here in Sby!!!

  27. When its someones else's money (taxpayers) its EASY to spend. Our problem in a nutshell.


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