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Friday, October 26, 2012

Vote In Honor Of A Veteran

Throughout history, our Veterans have bravely sacrificed to serve our country and protect our freedoms, and we should take every opportunity to show them our gratitude and support. One of the greatest ways we can say thank you is by exercising an inalienable right afforded to all of us as Americans – voting.

This year, I’m happy to announce that together, with Secretary of State John McDonough, Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs Edward Chow, and State Administrator of Elections Linda Lamone, we’ve launched a new Get Out the Vote Program to pay tribute to our military members and Veterans.
Please join me in saluting our Maryland Veterans by participating in Maryland’s Vote in Honor of a Veteran program, which recognizes the sacrifices that our servicemen and women have made throughout history to protect our freedoms and our sacred right to vote.  You can nominate a member of any United States military branch, past or present, by posting words of appreciation for their service. As a token of gratitude, you will receive a special button from the State of Maryland that you can proudly wear to the polls or any event to show support for our troops.

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