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Friday, October 26, 2012


I’m sure Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are on their way to Clayton NJ to support the family of Autumn Pasquale and condemn the cold blooded murder of this 12 year old girl at the hands of two black hoodlums, who strangled her for her BMX bike and then dumped her body in a trash bin. What kind of evil souless scum would murder a young girl for a bike? What kind of parents raised these animals? It takes a village of lowlife entitled immoral scum of the earth to create human beings like this.
I’m sure Barack Obama will be making a statement shortly about her being just like his daughter. I’m sure white people across the land will be holding BMX bike rallies and calling for justice.
Oh. You don’t think we’ll hear a peep out of Jesse, Al or Barack? Their busy with more important stuff you say. Shocking.


  1. But not surprising!


  3. "What kind of parents raised these animals? It takes a village of lowlife entitled immoral scum of the earth to create human beings like this."

    This post is intended to do nothing but stoke race-based hatred and fear.

    #1 It was the boys' own mother that turned them in when she became suspicious

    #2 The boys' father has already looked to give a personal apology directly to the girl's family

    #3 that same father also made it absolutely clear that he is NOT standing by the actions of the boys i.e. "judge do want you want to them".

    You want to make this tragic incident into a race issue as if we haven't seen this type of violence from all races of people. Instead of trying to profit off of race hate, why don't we pull together for the families involved and watch as justice is served to these criminals.

  4. THis is not about race, it's about stupidity and greed.

  5. Kudos to the mother for turning her sons in...!

  6. No it is about race.u both r wrong. Threaten their parents.kkk place wanted dead or alive.it's about time they know what it feels like.start making games on beating up blacks. They scream they aren't treated equal. Some lets treat them the exact same as they treat us.we all can finally be equal.

    1. How do you justify to yourself 9:24am, that doing to others "lets treat them the exact same as they treat us" (your words) will make anything right or might actually change anything for the better? It won't of course, because revenge is simply hate and it consumes accepting souls. It does no good and robs the person of an other wise good life.

    2. Sorry sister mister.a kid that won't stand for himself will get beat up everyday bu a bully. The day that boy stands fights and causes the same damage is the last day that bully will pick on him.he will find someone else who won't fight. Guess what...blacks these days are bullies. Not all.bit as a majority.criminally politically etc.threatening violence if they don't get their way.its time to show them we can play ball to......long as it ain't basketball.

    3. There are times when you can't or just have to stop turning the other cheek.you can keep kicking a lying dog.....but eventually he'll bite your ass.

  7. The boys probably look just like the sons that Obamama might have had?

  8. I almost always disagree with LG1982. This time I both agree and disagree.
    While I agree this should not be a race issue I do see the hypocrasy and inconsistancy in both Sharpton and Jackson when these tragedies occur and when it does not fit their agenda. I am not against agendas when they are consistant-all organizations have them-as do all activists.
    Jackson and Sharpton are all too quick to jump onboard when it's white on black crime but are silent when the opposite occurs. This is race baiting and nothing more than an opportunity for them to create more divisiveness and it serves no purpose. To call both of them out each and every time is what needs to happen and people of all races should be doing this otherwise race issues will always exist.

  9. 8:49 right, I am not surprised either ,because that's how animals act when they are raised like animals.

  10. 9:24, why not just crawl back under that rock you came from.

    1. Rock? Have you been watching the news? Reading the stories posted here? Since Treyvon tried shopping for skittles in a gated community... there has been nothing but race tensions in this country. blacks forming games thinking its fun to beat up white folks. black soaking folks and gasoline and lighting them on fire the list goes on and on. so tell me my friend who's the 1 with their heads wear? I swear there the most ignorant people here and by that I mean people who just do not know

  11. Why do liberals show compassion for racist murderers?
    It is time to stand against these heathens. No mercy. Kill or be killed.
    That is the position they are putting people in.
    I ask you, how many more innocent white people must be murdered before there is proper deterrent in place to stop the mentality of racist murder?
    Jesse? Al? Barack?

  12. 1027 whos showing compassion for the criminals here?

  13. I think Martin Luther King would be out making a speech to his race scolding them to raise their bar stop acting like animals and to work toward the betterment of everyone. He would also express true sympathy for Autumn's family.

    THAT is what separates him from Jesse and Al.

    1. You're darn Skippy. it's a damn shame

  14. I grew up in Clayton as did my mother and her father before her. There has always been tension in that town ever since they literally moved blacks in overnight in a housing community called The Lawns back in the 70's. Since then things in that town went down hill. If you don't believe me, ask my father who retired there as a Police Officer with 30years service and my brother who is currently a cop there with 18 years service.

  15. Making a correction on my previous post, the development in Clayton is called The Delsea Estates. The Lawns is another wonderful community developed during the Welfare Migration.


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