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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Petro-Dollar Explained

As I have written about for many years now, our increasingly aggressive foreign policy overseas revolves around one thing and one thing only: The Petro-Dollar. The problem is the Petro-Dollar doesn’t represent freedom or American values, it is the heart of a Federal Reserve and financial oligarch scam, and they are willing to burn down the whole world to protect their wealth and power. This is a very well done video on the Petro-Dollar that I think can help wake up many people still asleep or only partially awake and looking for more answers. Let’s spread this far and wide so we can prevent World War III. Source


  1. Disband the Federal Reserve. It's a group of PRIVATE bankers and nothing about is FEDERAL. Does anyone, except their rich firends and cronies think they do ANYTHING that is NOT designed to make THEM richer? Get real. They are not elected, operate in secrecy, have almost ZERO oversight and answer to no one. They are more powerful (by far) than Congress could EVER be. I would say they should be taken outside and hung from the closest lampost, but that is probably illegal in some way, so I won't.....

  2. Oh yea knew this years ago it the sole reason for going after Sadam..and truth be told both wars


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