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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Attorney: Dad Who Shot Masked Son Devastated

A popular teacher who fatally shot a knife-wielding prowler in a ski mask and then learned it was his 15-year-old son is devastated and filled with questions about what the boy was doing, his attorney said Monday.

Jeffrey Giuliano went outside with a gun around 1 a.m. Thursday when his sister called to say someone was trying to break into her house next door in New Fairfield, a town of nearly 14,000 people about 50 miles from New York city. Giuliano saw a masked person holding a weapon come toward him in a threatening manner and shot him, state police said. He learned later the person he killed was his son Tyler Giuliano.

Jeffrey Giuliano, a fifth-grade teacher at a nearby school, and his wife "are not well," his attorney Gene Zingaro said.



  1. Exactly why guns in the home are a bad idea.

    1. What? Where did you ever come up with that? If I was come at by a masked person toting a weapon ....killed him...then found out it was my own son id be upset as well but I would know I still did the right thing.and would do it Again. Any kid that acts this way get and deserve any actions against them.and so do the parents for not educating their children on the consequences of such actions. Don't put this on gun ownership .I mean seriously ......of tje kid was a burglar /murderer the guy would be a hero.

  2. 10:45 Your staement is assinine!

  3. Guns are not the problem, it is the hands in which the guns are held. In this instance, this was a matter of protection. The masked subject was coming out him with a weapon and he defended himself. The questions in this case is why the son was masked, carrying a weapon, and out slinking around at 1:00a.m. in the morning. Such a tragedy.

  4. all too often people are killed because hey engage in stupid or risky behavior. the fault of this death lies squarely at the feet of the 15 YO who was killed. guns are not the problem...

  5. i am not a gun advocate by any stretch of the imagination. i don't even let my son play with toy guns.

    that being said, this story is so sad and what happened was NOT the guns fault. nor was it the shooters fault. that kid should not have made the bad choice(s) that put him in that situation. the shooter did the right thing by protecting his/his neighbors property. he had a right to own a gun and by everything i've read he owned it legally.

    i can't imagine the hell that he is living with right now. the whole thing is just tragic.


  6. What was a 15yo out in a mask at 1am in a females property doing?

  7. That's right guys what is a Rednecks last words "Watch This"


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