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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ships Caught Illegally Dumping Waste Must Work To Clean Chesapeake Watershed

Crime may not always pay but sometimes it can pay back—and it’s benefitting the Chesapeake Bay watershed.Alex DeMetrick reports ships that illegally dump waste at sea and get caught are helping to clean water in Maryland.
A lot of effort, time and expense goes into cleaning Maryland’s waterways. Now some of that funding is coming from way off Maryland’s coastline when ships get caught illegally dumping waste oil overboard, rather than disposing of it in port, where it costs money.
“So there’s an incentive for ships to dump this waste oil at sea,” said US Attorney for Maryland Rod Rosenstein.


  1. I don't see anything in the article about the ships actually doing any cleaning... All I see is that they are paying fines for our gov't to p's away. Who actually believes the money is spent on the bay? It goes into the "general" fund like everything else. Political smoke & mirrors.


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