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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hillary's Sinking Ship

Two and a half weeks  ago I wrote a column for Fox News Opinion calling on Hillary Clinton to quit as Secretary of State. As more information comes out about what really led to ambassador Chris Stevens’s death on September 11, we’re hearing growing murmurs demanding the same thing.  It’s not a full-throated chorus yet.  But yesterday’s hearings in front of the House Government Oversight Committee are encouraging others to join in.
They certainly confirm three damning facts about our Secretary of State.

First, she and her Washington minions ignored repeated direct calls for help with security in Benghazi, including from the ambassador himself, and warnings about a possible attack on the anniversary of 9/11. According to the State Department’s security chief Andrew Wood, getting “security in Benghazi was a struggle” without end.  

Twice the man in charge of security for our diplomats in Libya, Greg Nordstrom, begged the State Department for more security in  Benghazi after no less than 48 security “incidents” there, including two bombings.



  1. We already know Slick Willie would lie to his own mama, Hillary, congress and the American people. He's already lied to all of the above. Sorry I voted for that douche bag....twice....

  2. hey we have hillary and holder, since when is absolute corruption a reason to resign

  3. shame on obama and hillary and all their cohorts. there's a pox on their house and this is as it should be. be done with all of them.

  4. Clinton, Obama and others are the the worst society has to offer. They are no better than a common murdering street thug. They failed 4 Americans all because they wanted to propagate a lie. They wanted all to believe that Libya had been liberated and was on it's way to being a democracy and that terrorism was eradicated.
    Anyone who supports these people are just as repulsive as they are. This is by far the worst coverup ever perpetuated by any president prior.

  5. "The White House and the State Department watched, in real time from an overhead drone, live video of the attack and did nothing. They did nothing to help those Americans under attack, those Americans who ended up dead.

    No action was taken, no troops deployed to aid those under siege in the 7 hour attack. That’s right, the attack lasted 7 hours. That’s more than enough time to scramble fighter jets that could have easily flown over the consulate and, at a minimum, scared the hell out of the attacking terrorists forces, if not kill them.

    President Obama and his administration did nothing."

    This is inexcusable can not be justified and should not be tolerated by the United States a supposed civilized nation.

  6. "“We should not politicize this issue” is the last, desperate gasp of someone who really doesn’t want to discuss something. By not giving the President a chance to use his canned response {at Mon nite's debate}, Romney kept the story alive. Obama couldn’t rebut what he wasn’t accused of, couldn’t spin what wasn’t thrown his way. The story continued to develop untouched, un-rebutted, unspun with the latest poll-tested nuance to paint plausible deniability. It’s doubtful the White House was blindsided by this yesterday, so Romney’s silence on it didn’t allow the Obama team to head it off at the pass."

  7. "President Obama and his administration did nothing"

    Oh but they did! They concocted a storyline centered on a video that no one had ever heard of. Surely they spent their time googling their heads off to find the YOUTube movie trailer. Now they have also ruined that man's life who was doing nothing more than expressing his constitutional right to freedom of speech.

  8. Can you clowns be come back to reality? What part of 60 man response team AND additional reinforcements from Libya do you not understand?

  9. Why is no one talking about the fact that when the administration went to congress and specifically requested more funding for embassy security, it was voted down by the house majority including Paul Ryan??

  10. Because it wasn't 7:08. Watch the hearings. Funding was never an issue. The dems have attempted to counter by charging that the House GOP budget authored by Ryan WOULD have cut funding for embassy security-the key word being "would." It didn't happen and as a matter of fact, the Ryan budget does not specifically recommend cuts to embassy security so it is disingenuous for the dems to even suggest this.

  11. You are wrong 6:44-it was a SIX (6) man response team. The 60 were a group of Libyans that scattered when the going got tough.
    Go and watch the hearings then come back and comment otherwise you are just rambling about something you obviously know nothing about and it isn't productive.

  12. @7:08

    This had nothing to do with cuts to the security budget.

    The consulate security in Libya could have been supplimented by pulling more security from areas without the tension going on in the middle east, before this event even happened. The White House sat on their hands.

    Of course that would have required some forethought, since they had already been attacked twice this year and knew the 9/11 anniversary was on the horizon, I see more security as a no brainer.

    Then again, we've had nothing but no brainers for the last 4 years, I guess it wasn't much of a surprise. If Hillary Clinton had been sodomized and had her dead body dragged down the street, I bet Slick Willie would no longer be beating Obama's drum.

  13. 7:08

    We know it was all Bush's fault by now.

  14. 7:08

    Ryan's budget wasn't adopted and radified, so how could it be his fault? Ignorance is bliss when you can just blame someone else instead.

  15. Stevens and his 3 cohorts were running guns to Al-Quaida, and that's the reason for the giant cover up. If Obama, Clinton, and Holder were caught with another gun- running deal like the one in Mexico that got 2 more agents killed this close to the election, it would spell disaster. A gun deal gone bad, and that's where it's at. Treason by Obama, simply.
    But, since he has no birth certificate, no college record of a law degree, or attendance for that matter, we should do what this time around???? Vote for Gary Johnson is what I say.

  16. 9:12. i am not talking about Ryans proposed budget. i am talking about actual funding. In the 2011 continuing resolution, Congress, at the insistence of the House of Representatives, slashed the president’s request for embassy security and construction and forced another cut in fiscal year 2012. Altogether Congress has eliminated $296 million from embassy security and construction in the last two years with additional cuts in other State Department security accounts.

  17. Obama & Hillary watched the videos and DID NOTHING ! They Hanged These People Out To Dry !
    They let the U.S. Ambassador and 3 Navy Seals die at the hands of Muslim fanatics, so what do you think they would do to the folks like you and me? Another "Bumps In The Road"?!
    Just say NOBAMA 2012

  18. 850, you are correct, as I've stated on the subject. There was a 60+ strong response team. Plus another team from Tripoli was brought in. You can attack both for lack of effectiveness, but thats a far cry from stating "No action was taken, no troops deployed to aid those under siege in the 7 hour attack"

  19. 9:56

    Fact is, Obama did nothing after multiple requests for more security and two previous attacks this year and 9/11 anniversary impending.

    As was said by 9:09, more security could have been brought from consulates where tension is not so high, however nothing was done until after the fact.

  20. 9:56, funding was not an issue so get off that horse. Here's the exchange between Charlene Lamb (Dep Ass Sec of the State Dept.)and Rep Rohrabacher while being questioned by the Congressional Committee-

    "“It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

    “No, sir,” said Lamb."

    Miss Lamb goes on to say that they directed the post to "normalize", in other words they wanted people to think Libya was normal and not the lawlessness state it was becomming. They didn't want the place to look overly guarded because that would give the impression all wasn't good and there were security concerns.

  21. @8:57

    You actually expect them to watch the real-time congressional investigation when they can get a re-cap of events from a biased media?

  22. Try to spin it any way you want but the bottom line is the WH did NOTHING. The FACT is, that Obama admin were attempting to hold on to another one of his lies that his arab spring was a success.
    That's it there is nothing more to this including funding issues.
    Just like a ghetto thug who has no regard for human life to Obama these Americans working in Libya to him were indispendable. He built the conditions that caused their murders so he could perpetuate a lie to make himself lood good.
    No one with an ounce of decency would support obama after this. This is not a personal attack but when someone thinks it is okay to sacrifice another human being over their own lies is a sick person.
    The admin was told numerous times by the ambassador himself that more security was needed and he was denied each and every time.


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