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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ohio Steel Towns Feeling Recession Fallout Waver On Obama

Kathryn Adams, a Democrat all her 56 years, chokes for a moment as she speaks.

“Life is so much harder now for so many people than it was four years ago,” says Adams, a Methodist campus minister at Youngstown State University in Ohio, describing the struggling families she has served in soup kitchens and the declining collections at the local churches that support her work.
“Too many people are hurting, and it’s time for a change,” she said, in explaining why she plans to vote against Barack Obama, the man she backed for president in 2008.
Even as the darkest days of the recession have passed, times are still tough in Youngstown and surrounding industrial towns along the Mahoning River, a cradle of the steel industry in northeastern Ohio. Boarded-up homes and empty storefronts are common, and many families are stretching shrinking paychecks.


  1. Democrats for Romney!

  2. Yes! People who want it better need to not vote Oblamer! And with such a swing close state, vote Romney!


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