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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Octomom" Nadya Suleman Checks Into Rehab For Anxiety, Stress

"Octomom" Nadya Suleman has checked herself into a rehabilitation center, citing anxiety, exhaustion and stress, a spokeswoman for the mother of 14 said Tuesday.
Suleman had been taking the medication Xanax under a doctor's care to deal with her problems, but she felt she needed a treatment program to help with her recovery, spokeswoman Gina Rodriguez said in a statement.
Suleman checked herself into Chapman House Treatment Center on Oct. 23 and "will be in treatment for 28 days or more if needed," Rodriguez said.


  1. Recovery from life?

  2. How about checking her for common sense. has to have a nut loose

  3. For real Jack K Richards! What in the heck did she think life would be like with 14 children!

  4. She is no more unstable as any other, in your postmodern society. This is more sensationalism.

  5. Mr. McGranor has a good point.

  6. So who's taking care of all those kids?

  7. Take 2 aspirin, stay out of bed & keep her legs crossed...


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